Hold on now. How do we expect the NFL to get on board with this message when the AMA, ACOG, American Cancer Society and others are still recommending routine mammography for women starting at age 40?
Hold on now. How do we expect the NFL to get on board with this message when the AMA, ACOG, American Cancer Society and others are still recommending routine mammography for women starting at age 40?
No clown will ever be as scary to me as Pennywise! *shudder*
If your wedding contains anything Disney at all, you've gone TOO FAR.
My friend has a three-legged cat named Ilene. Get it?
My kitty's name out of the shelter was Bootsy. She was promptly elevated to royal and is now The Dutchess Bitsy Von Vanderboot.
Thanks, Obama.
Yeah, but there is some crazy rule about not being able to buy the groceries and beer together. When we inquired, we were told that we would have to buy the groceries, take them out of the store and then come back in and buy the beer at the ONE special register in the beer area, which had about 8 people in line as we…
I take it you've never spent any time in Lancaster? If you had, you would know that it is a very progressive pocket in the heart of Central PA with a thriving arts and music scene, low unemployment, great restaurants, theater and shopping. There are drugs for sure but no more so than any other small city.
Our state stores (liquor & wine stores) are open seven days a week now and until 9 M-Sat, 5 on Sunday. Sunday sale is relatively new and not all stores are even open on Sundays yet. Beer is sold by the case at distributors and the six-pack at bars and beer take-out places.
OMG! I was just in that Acme this week! Was stunned to see beer in there and my friend and I were actually going to run for beer after the grocery, but..... it was such a pain to buy the beer there that we just opted for the bar. :/
NOW they care about paternalistic laws in Texas??
I never thought I would be a mother, never wanted kids growing up. Even through my 20's, I was adamant that parenthood was not for me. I met my husband at 29, married him at 33. He kinda/sorta wanted one or two but left the decision to me (my body would be hosting the little bugger after all). I was okay going either…
Under Armour?
But...but...but.... racism is dead in America. : /
How very typical of a man to think he has been appointed a saver of something! Those silly womenfolks always need the saving! You must be a very special dudebro, indeed, to have been selected to defend and save an entire species! High five!
Is it possible that you dad is bipolar?
Of course there are unique dosages. That's why there are different types of pills. Different bodies do better with different types of pills. It's the reason why you and your bestie, though seeing the same gyno, may be on different prescriptions.
Except that picture is not of this incident.
$15-$20K to repair?