Sorry, I just can't get past all of the slobber accumulating in that crib.
Sorry, I just can't get past all of the slobber accumulating in that crib.
I dunno. Rice is worth millions. I just read yesterday that he will be able to keep around $25 million that's already been paid on his contract. Their ability to raise a family on that paltry amount depends on whether they can live like regular people.
Please tell me the eggs didn't touch that cute little stuffed rabbit made of velveteen!
*some rando's Polo cologne
It looks like someone swiped a bunch of paint swatches from Lowe's and glued them to a dress.
This bathroom is underwhelming, to say the least. I've been in nicer bathrooms in swank hotels. It's just so much meh.
"served well by the destruction of her husband's career"
How important is it that your dad get a shout-out on the invite? There are plenty of other ways to have his name/memory included like a mention in the program or a special song at the reception.
Is it illegal to sell them? Say I dug up a ring on my own property and wanted to sell it on ebay? Cuz ebay is full of that stuff and it seems that it's all perfectly lawful....
Is this news because he's the president of his fraternity or because it's Cal Poly or both? Or what? I dunno, this doesn't seem like news to me. Tons of kids in college take drugs, sell drugs, whatever.
Well, boo! I was envisioning a lovely screened porch with over-sized daybeds overflowing with duvets and down pillows—- perhaps a skosh of white muslin wafting about near the windows, a few lovely hanging flower baskets, a bookshelf with all of the right books on it and a wine refrigerator. Oh, plus a fat kitteh or…
Sleeping porch? What is that? Can I has one?
Alas, Stacey Dash (Dionne) came out as a republican during the last presidential election and is now a contributor for Fox News.
Except she was only charged with theft, not accessory, so the only true evidence is the ring. The x-ray proves nothing except that she has A ring in her stomach, not THE ring.
I disagree. Without the ring, the po po have no evidence that she had anything to do with the crime.
Meh, cucumbers haven't really caught on yet and they only cost 50 cents.
Nope. I would refuse. Someone will dig it out and it ain't gonna be me. I'd be damned before I would hunt through my own feces to hand the police the evidence they need to convict me. Nope. Nope Nope.
Why does Jezebel have to have a Saved by the Bell story nearly every day? Does anyone—-ANYONE—- actually care?