cool wolfman

i assumed this was the case myself.

i've spent a total of 12 days in the south over the last 31 years and sometimes slip into a southern accent inexplicably. who knows how these things happen?

i'm not saying he didn't kill becky, but wasn't that hole in the window from a coffee cup in an earlier episode or something?

i noticed that too! i think the live version made the whole scene moreā€¦ electric, i guess. loved it.

honestly a bigger surprise than a bowie cameo would have been!

let's hope

"the last time the viewers saw us in here, mike and i barked at you like a couple of damned dogs! ha! remember that, james? anyway, goodnight!"

i've only known their song "vicious traditions" for years and loved it but never sought them out for whatever reason. now i'm all in.

there's a small flash of light just behind her as the last credit rolls up, and i'm not sure how intentional it is but the whole goddamn thing gave me the heebie jeebies

fair enough. i guess for me it's their inner goodness that shines especially bright amongst the bleak darkness that so much of this return is. that kinda overruns how dumb they can be, but i can see how they could grate.

didn't sheryl lee say something along the lines that sexual trauma survivors stop her in the street to thank her for her portrayal in FWWM? seems like if anything shows that there's sometimes a good point to be made by including the violence in all its honest brutality, it's there.

that was technically based off of a deleted scene from FWWM i guess so yeah they're not necessarily any dumber

see and my reaction to lucy saying that was to cry myself

i dunno. i don't post on it a lot but i really like the community on the twin peaks reddit. i can see how they don't love a lot of criticism there though.

me too. hell, i'd like a Janey-E spinoff please.

i got the strangest feeling last episode that audrey and tina are both somehow occupying the same body, and audrey's currently trapped inside while tina has her fun with it. going purely off of a hunch, but reddit strangers said the same thing and i felt smart.

no worries. reading back what i originally wrote it came across in a way i didn't mean it to. anyhow, it appears we're on the same page and i think that's great!

sure, and neither do i. it just felt weirdly self-congratulatory and so i over-corrected in an attempt to be self-deprecating.

i prefer to not label myself at all & let my actions and how i treat people define me, but unfortunately there's little to no glory in that. so i pat myself on the back in places like discus.

hell, after that scene the whole thing could have been friggin billy zane and super nadine helping ben horne figure out the civil war for the last 45 minutes and i would have still called this an A+++++