cool wolfman

hey, i bet i could get my mom to say some real mean stuff about my dad, who she divorced almost thirty years ago. how soon after i have that copied down do you think we could have a thinkpiece up about that? i mean, if we;re digging into people's personal business, why not, right?

i really liked bubble too!

ohh that's a great point

i watched this movie for the first time two weeks ago and enjoyed it quite a bit more than i expected to.

this is the most i've ever agreed with a comment on this website

wait. are you saying that the bizarre lighthearted/oppressively bleak tonal shifts were there from the get-go? or that editing made that happen? because if you're saying the latter, i'll agree with you. easily one of the shoddiest editing jobs i've ever seen in a tentpole movie.

wait. do you think we'll legally have to listen to that song?

i would prefer not to be hugged even, thanks

that…. says awful things about the tone of ss from the get go then.

gee, it's all "putting everyone in boxes" with you, isn't it?

hi! what's "media"?

i love it to pieces. the "you can say that again" scene is an all-timer.

The way I heard it is that they offered it to Michael J. Anderson, and he thought he deserved more money, and when he didn't get it he strongly hinted that David Lynch was a rapist and murderer (among other things. it was pretty nasty.) on Facebook. I can't imagine that Michael Ontkean did anything quite on the level

yeah, the few times i could actually get the show i wanted to watch to load, it'd stop every three minutes to buffer. i use three other streaming services regularly and never have that problem. not good.

eh, Lynch has a LOT more reason to be vindictive and petty at Michael J. Anderson, and he's not taking potshots at him, so I'm not so sure that's what Truman having cancer is all about.

See? Dana friggin' Barrett gets it! Why don't you?

yeah! fuck you, people who like stuff!

ohhhhhh FWWM is the best. audiences are idiots.

that's how he got jacked? looks like daddy's signing up for a coding class!

oh man i feel exactly the opposite about them!