
He sadly passed away earlier this year so the spot was left vacant.

It makes more sense when you realize those games are written by a giant team of separate writers, especially stuff off the main plot path. So you’ll have one guy writing these episodes, another guy writing those other episodes (it’s nearly always ‘a guy’), and then you’ve got these other minigames designed by someone

“The team at the North Pole, including star Tim Allen, was too high on their own supply of gingerbread and eggnog to recognize this movie in which Santa fights Jack Frost for control of the holiday season was on the naughty list.”

This Ghost of Christmases past absolutely loved the song and dance from this Dickens of a pleaser! “A Christmas Carol” hasn’t felt this fresh since George C. Scott put on a stocking cap and gave David Warner’s Bob Cratchett a good kick in the chestnuts - the poor galoot! Will Farrell is pure comedy and Ryan Reynolds

He’s going to be in the next Olivia Wilde joint with Florence Pugh and Matthew Perry!

I think the justification for “millennial” is that you had your formative years sometime around 2000. So being 7 years old is cutting it close, but 3 years old seems legitimately like “I barely remember the year 2000, if at all

If it takes down Facebook, then good.

Gamestop sells used games too...

There’s no fixed rule, but Gen Z is generally born between ‘97 and 2012. So today’s 25 year-olds are elder Gen Z.

Good Rod < Super Rod < Inanimate Carbon Rod

Even if Shuri gets the torch, SHE believes in science, even if her actor doesn’t.

A gimmick commentor? In this economy?

Audiences will delight as this panther of a movie slinks through the night! Take note, Blake Edwards, this is how you make a sequel after a star has passed. Coogler doesn’t need to resort to deleted scenes to make this kitty purr! Although the missus’ wouldn’t shut up about her confusion of Angela Basset/Shirley

Due respect to the showrunners and their claims of having a plan for final season and finale etc. (they earned it with Season 1), but this at least somewhat feels like HBO saying “we aren’t sure where you’re going with this, or how you’re going to wrap it up, and we’re less sure the viewers are following along at this

Yes I’m sure they are still losing money on it.

They can drive adoption with a lower price point or with killer aps, and so far not seeing where this middle ground will get them.

But maybe Horizon will be way more impressive than it looks so far (though it’s not even priced like a premium PS5 game which signals to me

As noticed by VGC, the report reveals that PlayStation Plus subscription numbers actually fell following the much-touted relaunch, which saw the figures drop from 47.3 million to 45.4 million. Those are clearly still healthy numbers, almost double those Microsoft can boast for Game Pass, but certainly not what Sony

I have an almost pathological hatred of Jimmy Fallon. 

That’s kind of how Letterman differentiated his original NBC show from Carson. He had a reputation of... well, not exactly humiliating guests, but at the same time, not coddling them either. He probably softened up mid-career, particularly after the move to CBS, but perhaps he later reverted to form.

Looks like somebody is

You are correct.