
There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

I greatly look forward to the slow death of one of the worst technological “advances” ever to hit the world, particularly the western hemisphere. Other services will pop up, populations in true need of the utility will find it elsewhere, and he’ll be left with the dipshits who never socially developed past 7th grade.

I managed to do all three soft locks.  Not enough ammo for plane, put all items on the wrong character before the final fight, and not use the fire extinguisher to get the magnum.

Honest to god RE8 might be my favorite in the series, not just for the personal connection of knowing some of the VAs and for the giant vampire lady who totally didn't make me a lady in more then one way, although that helped.  It blended the gunplay better then 7 with better enemy types, oozed personality, knew when

Yeah, bizarre logic in not including it because it was on Dreamcast but apparently RE Zero and the RE Remake are “real” RE games? Makes no sense. It’s a real RE game and a really good one!

Text from the Daily Beast for others who can’t load a GD video:

Crying over seeing a bunch of your friends again?

It would have been a hell of a lot cooler if all of these powerful firms and individuals had decided not to prop this lunatic up after the other 2,000 crazy or dangerous things he said or did but before he totally embraced white supremacism and antisemitism. It’s hard to put the insane neo-Nazi nitwit back in the barn

Imran Khan did a really great public writeup about this whole mess on his Patreon which is much more incisive and in depth than anything Kotaku has bothered with, which I really recommend everyone interested in this story read. In it he speculates that Taylor’s $450K number came from her looking all the games up on

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about

The devs—who work at the actual company and make most of the actual product—deserve most of the profits.

Yeah I’m trying to ignore the “I was just asking for a fair, living wage” part of that statement because while it’s true all VA’s deserve to be paid more, she wasn’t exactly going to be living off instant noodles after those sessions. 

This is the part where I hope someone can do some investigative journalism to get to the bottom of this.

Sex Perm? I thought they shut that place down.

Their ability to write profoundly shallow bullshit that sounds noble is almost art.

It seems Corden’s opted to take the high road—sorry—the high and mighty road

Did you make him an omelet?

You think they’re cheap? (Or presumably the insurance policy?)

Agreed on a combined shooting to get us the second season faster. I’m hoping that since there’s already been so much heavy lifting done in terms of the production (set, costumes, etc.), plus *hopefully* no Covid delays, that it won’t take as long. I believe they started filming this month.

Have you been to a Gamestop lately? I picked up groceries and some power steering fluid while looking for some Splatoon Amiibo reissues the other day.