
I need to come back and finish Intergrade at some point, I liked what I played of it. I gave in to my own worst impulses last night and shelled out 66 percent sale price for Final Fantasy Origins, even though I still have a LOT of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak to play.

I hate nepotism as much as the next guy, but these three are actually funny, which is what you actually want from two sons of comedy writers and a third dude.

not specifically the LA-based A.V. Club” I mean, this is just cruel, and referring to a travesty that this website perpetrated on its writers. It’s rubbing our faces in the gigantic “fuck you” that the AV Club gave to people, before yet another decline in quality.

Blazing Saddles got away with some stuff that’s problematic by today’s standards.”

They still haven’t nominated Rhea Seehorn, you gotta be fucking kidding me.

That is a truly bizarre hill to die on.

wow these are bad reviews.

Not sure why “this service has older games than that service” would be a detachment from reality.

Nothing more detached from reality than maintaining the delusion that living in a specific state makes you detached from reality.

There are more layers to that five-second clip than I’ll even try to unpack here.

They’re took weak from their protein-deficient lifestyles. (Is joke. I know protein doesn’t only come from meat.)

No comment on who is right or wrong here (JC/protestor). are VERY right on that observation. 

I mean, it wasn’t though?

She’s trying her best. The site doesn’t have editors anymore.

Ad-supported websites are famously interested in getting clicks, it’s true.

And Woody Allen as well!

Stick to sports them sticks

I feel like “pro” gamers are forgetting the part where “pro” stands for professional and they should learn to act like it. It’s not just about getting paid to do this but also bringing in a level of maturity as well.