lol go home
lol go home
The Office ended after Carrell left, just like The Simpsons ended after season 12
Because people like them?
The fact that Astral Chain hasn’t received a sequel is an injustice that must be corrected.
This is the true answer
Funny, just downloaded it last week because it is one of a handful of games that are literally 100% free on the Xbox store, like no Gold, no Game Pass, no microtransactions, nothing. Sat through the opening intro and was like “Uhhhhhhhhhh... Maybe I’ll just play something else.”
Doubt they can capture that again with a sequel.
She’s talking an awful lot of shit for someone who recently championed Halloween Kills.
No, they’re just tired of repeating all of the ways that NFTs are horrible pyramid scheme scams for idiots.
Looks very fun, but I’m still pissed over the idea of Vader and Obi Wan meeting between ROTS and ANH. That should have not happened, it’s completely clear what the intent of the dialogue was in the original SW and they should respect that.
Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!
You, sir or madam, are embittered and overly cynical.
Kotaku’s usual COD freelancer would beg to differ because they love the Treyarch COD’s but, in my opinion, any COD that isn’t made by Infinity Ward *feels* cheap. The bread and butter of a COD entry is it’s nice animation, smooth frame rate, and overall buttery feel to everything. I find the Treyarch and Sledgehammer…
Based on a quick skimming of this, the reviewer isn’t really in to Marvel movies.
Has this reviewer seen WandaVision tho? Would it have been so hard to have a reviewer for this film that was initiated so that we can get that perspective as well. Obviously someone who hasn’t seen the things this connects to is going to feel alienated. They didn’t even mention “What If” so I assume they weren’t even…
Not many threads left, then.
I’m so glad that Putin is sending in Nazi military contractors to denazify Ukraine. That is what he's doing right? He's using Wagner Group contractors to do it, and Wagner Group is a Nazi organization. Right?
“The least important part.”
If only that site employed a reporter who had written a story about the show getting renewed for a second season: