
It's not a derogatory term. It's coined from the anime adaptation of Azumanga Daioh where a character pronounced wife as 'waifu'.

demolition man brah

honestly those movies are so similar it's not even funny. Cop, punished for a crime he didn't commit, returns to fight his evil equal who was unfrozen out of/broken out of prison by the respected elder to have a final battle is an exploding lab that's about to hatch a bunch more bad guys. Interchange Diane Lane for

You mean you aren't wearing your Kevlar at all times? That's dumb.

One thing I learned in the infantry: don't EVER try to throw a grenade uphill.

The correct thing to do is remember that vaillant individual who jumped on it to save those around him.

It doesn't change the crapware included in the installer, but I recently used uTorrent to pirate uTorrent Pro, and now I don't have ads. I am a meta-pirate.

Downloading multiple copies of Linux and books old enough to be in the public domain as we speak.

And so are we, apparently.

I'm hardly a Francophile, but it's hard to dismiss the country that gave us the universal declaration of human rights, constitutional separation of church and state, the first modern Olympic games, not to mention a great weight of literature, art, and philosophy, as cheese-eating surrender monkeys. I am really tired

GPS signals are nothing more than highly accurate, synchronized, one-way time signals. So they are great for setting clocks.

Reminds me, I need a GPS module for my autonomous tank hobby project.

"The Harriet Tubman-Sarah Connor Brigade."

I just tried to e-mail to see just how widely the family uses the server.

Didn't some of GW's people start doing this after having to show some of their emails?
It wasn't right then and it's not right now.

There, fixed it.

The problem is not that she did this. The problem is that we are STILL using email and it was never designed to be secure. They need to conpletely redesign email to be as secure as possible. With end to end encryption.

Actually, it's a big security issue "IF" anyone knew about it. Sounds like no one did.

All the fun of a sega genesis in the palm of your hand! Take it anywhere!*

How do YOU people not understand that the measure this will be compared with is not my phone, but my EXISTING watch, which gets a charge every year or so....