
It’s not that serious. It was also re-released in the same way

It “blew up so hard” because of your takes that have been routinely rebuffed by others for a reason. Nostalgia drives emotions, but it does not pose compelling arguments. Facts do. You Argue that this is not a successor to Prime, ignoring the fact that Nintendo doesn’t intend for Dread to be Prime’s successor. Prime

I dig the atmosphere, music, and visual style. I still would have preferred it was pixelated in a fluid, high-detail sort of way, but that’s just my taste and it’s still a great game. Everyone go buy it so they make more.

Dread isn’t even trying to be a successor to Prime. That’s what the long gestatingPrime 4 is for. Dread is a successor to Metroid Fusion, because it’s a direct sequel to that game, just like Fusion was a direct sequel to Super Metroid. By trying to call this a successor to Prime, you are missing the point.

The music in Metroid is utterly amazing, and is one of the major reasons why Metroid games ore so good at conveying the feeling of being alone, in an alien world, where everything is hostile towards you.

A lot of people apparently, the story is why Metroid: Other M is considered the worst game in the series.

I am early in, but so far Dread seems to be hitting a happy middle ground between Super and Fusion

I think most people play any game for the core gameplay. For example, most people would not play a genre they dislike just because the story was good. However, I feel a lot of people also enjoy when a good story is attached.

I’m gonna miss the biomechanical look of Samus’ armor from Fusion. The suit here does have a sinewy design near the joints but doesn’t look as organic as it did.

The double masking crew has been triggered by this article. Ha!

I’ve been vaxxed for months but I clicked on this just to see the REEEEEEing in the comments.

You mean the media group that hawks garbage from amazon while shitting on Bezos space flight is profiting from playing both sides? 

Close. It's instant-runoff. 

Nonsense. My client, Bowser, is just a legitimate business turtle and proud father of 7 that has been wronged by the anti-Koopa establishment.

Not the whole company, just the North America wing.

And yet they continue to work with that despotic maniac, Bowser, for game after game. Your hypocrisy is staggering, Nintendo.

I hope they have an alternate color mode like the SNES version. All the turtles would be a different shade of green and have no pupils like the action figures. Not sure if the action figure color scheme would look good with the thick cartoon borders around the characters though.  

Could be worse. The license could be held by Harmony Gold.

Big Apple, 3 AM. 

Some odd choices in that TMNT cover. It was almost like the singer had never heard the original before.