
“It’s a meteor!” “It’s a missile!” “It’s... Dad passing out again.”

Why? It adds nothing literally nothing. Seriously people keep falling back on making a character queer to give them “development”.

Can't wait for the day Disney has all the Spidey rights.

You know that elevator will stop working the 3rd or 4th time you try to use it.

Mental images of your significant other being stuck in a second rate plastic elevator when in inevitably breaks down, in fact this whole thing just looks like a rolling repair bill.  

I just thought about this: what about aircraft where the flight crew got snapped, but some passengers were left behind? They would have died in the crash, not because of the snap. So they wouldn’t be brought back by Hulk’s snap, but a good number of people they were traveling with (family, friends, business

And I don’t think you know how a space bar works.

I always did like the snap more, but I'm pretty sure Thor was the only one who actually saw Thanos snap his fingers that didn't get disintegrated, so I guess the media just ran with the first thing they thought of. 

I mean, Shield had him identified back in Captain America: Winter Soldier, and all that information is public now, so... 

I mean, if you think she’s got one of those rugged style camping pagers that summons Carol, then yeah.  Otherwise she’s probably still off planet murdering random Kree.

Sure, and I was mostly being silly in the first place.  But there’s a reason they made the SWORD agent Monica Rambeau rather than just a random SWORD agent.

If all these Disney+ shows are going to factor into the movies the way Disney says they are I would honestly not be that surprised if that started popping up.

“Hey who’s got the phone number for the Sanctum Sanctorum?”  Strange isn’t an Avenger and doesn’t live at the compound.  I’m sure he’d be useful, but it’s not like he published his e-mail address in any of these.

Do they even know who Strange is? He was never an Avenger. He also just blinked back into existence 3 weeks ago. In fact, I’d assume the world is still an utter mess dealing with half the population suddenly appearing again. 

The Avengers don’t exist anymore as any kind of official team. Everyone died or went their separate ways after Endgame. The only person to contact is Strange but he was never an Avenger and was never at the beck and call of any government agency to begin with. I guess Banner would be around somewhere as well. Plus,

Is Dr. Strange known to them?

Someone on another site noted that Monica goes through three walls (well, two walls and a fence) before she goes through the barrier.

Going from poli sci college student to renown astrophysics expert in 12 years. You go *DR* Lewis!

I cackled with glee when he pulled out his card like that