
This will also solve the fact that every time I leave a gawker/gizmodo page up long enough I get a random dialog box telling me the flash plugin has crashed on the page— despite me not being able to figure out where the hell flash is even running on the site.

Ah yes, one of the few real and noteworthy things about the whole Transformers franchise...

Well of course he wasn't batman, he was the Gray Ghost.

Ha. We're supposed to believe Rolling Stone survives until 2024?

Yep. He somehow managed to completely piss off everyone and bring fan boys on all sides together in their dislike of his article.

Just click baits because it's like they want to piss off all the neck beards that use an ad block. Jokes on the author I guess XD

You don't need to Root or "Hack" an android phone to install apps from outside the Google Play store. You just need to go into the options, change one setting, and acknowledge a warning message. Rooting has nothing to do with where you get your apps. There are lots of apps within Google's "walled garden" that

Jason David Frank makes some very good comments in regards to this movie. While I would love to see a darker grittier series for adults, I don't think it will happen. Instead what Shankar needs to do is file off the serial numbers of anything that could be construed as Product Identity, retool and refine the concept


but apparently it was watched by the over 60 crowd more than the over 20 crowd.

I have not thought about Power Rangers in almost two decades and still got most of the references. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I had retained advanced mathematics instead of almost total recall of children's television.

I am fascinated most by the implied history. Machine Empire as the threat puts this late in the Morphin Era, post Zedd. Green Ranger is still a thing, but it's clearly mentioned that Tommy has had his on/off/on power relationship so it might just be more a legacy thing and he might have been Red Ranger for all that

I give it a 10/10

How about Cadillacs & Dinosaurs? I'm thinking Mad Max meets Jurassic Park.

A lot of people don't seem to get the joke. Personally, I found it incredibly unenjoyable. It's not clever enough to be a parody, and in trying to poke fun at everything that's wrong with "grim and gritty reboots" it became the very thing it was attempting to satirize.

For the next dark reboot, can someone please reboot "Reboot"?

As great as this looks - I will have to be even more careful what my 14 year old Power Ranger fanatic watches on Youtube.

megaman 2=best megaman soundtrack. PERIOD

Better yet, you wrote it, but it failed to post. Or, you wrote it, and posted it three times.

support them with scissors....