
It would have no less than 17 syllables.

I kid you not, both Jemaine and Bret said that getting up at 5am to shoot FotC was a bit too hard on their musician lifestyles, which was a contributing factor to the cancellation. That and not having more than one season of material, as others have said. Season 2 was pretty bereft of decent content, outside of

Didn’t Tom and Nicole Kidman meet each other on the set of Days of Thunder? If so, she’s likely not a big fan either.

I wish he’d reboot Get Shorty, because that was a fantastic show and he was great in it.

This is just sad in so many ways. No comedy here, just tragedy.

Honestly, they look like those cheap aftermarket hubcaps you could buy at your local auto parts store in the 80's. They didn’t make you look cool then, and they don’t now. Terrible.

Okay, but hear me out:
At the end of the final episode, Frasier wakes up in bed next to Niles and says “You won’t believe the dream I just had.

Sure, but can it run Crysis?

Edit: Sorry, wrong site.

Hey Florida Joker? DC Comics would like a word with you.

Guns aren’t the problem, irresponsible cars catching on fire are the problem.

I dunno, kinda reminds me of personal seat licenses for new sports stadiums. “Pay us now so you can pay for your seats later!” Somehow they get away with that, so...

Unity Air Zanzibar - 60% of the time our planes land every time.”

Psychonauts 2. There are far more well-known titles that will top my suggestion, but in the last couple of years it’s the best sequel I’ve played. It’s hard to match the pre-release hype of a sequel, but it’s another thing entirely to blow the expectations out of the water and deliver such a fantastic follow-up.

It felt out of his wheelhouse even at the time. His earlier films were SO indie that it felt like he was only taking Ragnarok for the paycheck. The fact that it was actually good proved he’s an adept storyteller no matter the size of his budget. I’ve always rooted for him - he seems like a decent fellow.

A little risk of fire? Psshh! You’re not really a Jeep owner unless you break an axle, tumble down a cliff, or get shot at by Germans. Quit yer bitchin’ and drive, you pansies!

That’s amazing! I swear, if a gas station gave me real soap I’d go there for life. It would cost them so little to buy a bottle of Dawn and go outside with a bucket of suds every morning for 2 minutes.

Me too! I can still vividly remember walking into a showroom (probably the first time I’d ever been in one), and staring at the Fiero with wide-eyed rapture. They still look good today. It would be only a few years later that I woke up to one in my driveway on my 16th birthday. Ha! Just kidding. I got a 10-year old

No actual soap in the windshield washer bucket!! If it isn’t totally empty these days, it’s filled with dirty water and a squeegee that hasn’t been new since the Clinton administration. All you end up doing is pushing the old dirt around with new dirt.

That makes 142% sense, and as we all know, 142% is the highest percent. The government only wants us to know about 100% since the other 42% is secret.

If Letterman doesn’t do a Top Ten list I will initiate anarchy.