
This actually has me excited for the 3rd installment of this series. Can't be worst than the 2nd one.Fingers crossed.

It's over.Just stop already.

Cuba is not ready for Shaq.Out of darkness straight into the bright madness that Shaq can bring.

Easy money,good for her.To bad the movie is pure cheese.No,I like cheese,the movie just isn't any good.

We all have dreams and Kanye dreams big.Just like most dreams,his dreams,or delusions,will never come true.

One of my favorite actors.His talent always shines through in what ever role he is playing.

Love the flashbacks.Want to see some with Jarvis,his wife,and Tony Stark Sr.Just as long it doesn't take away but only add to the main story of this great 2nd season.

Studios are really starting to get greedy.What they want?For the movie to make 200 million in one day.

Some times a pretty face is just that,a pretty face.

Use your head,not your eyes.That's how she got the part.Nobody in the casting office was judging her acting abilities.She was gonna look good in what ever skimpy outfit they designed for her.

At least they have got some talent.Gal,not one ounce.

Gal Gadot couldn't act her way of a bag poked full of holes.So how in the hell is she gonna be the lead in a movie.She is a pretty picture with no sign of talent.
Define fail?This movie isn't going to make any money.

Any Wonder Woman starring Gal Gadot is doomed to fail.

I fear so.

The cast truly may die.But you do what you have to to keep your show on air.

I never judge a show on one episode,but I fear this show is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.If it gets a chance to get better.

Even harder than Steele rockers like Lemmy are going to have to face reality one day and slow it down a bit so that they can keep rocking.He's a legend and those fans are some real fans.

Second go around should be the charm.Not likely.

Gone and can never be replaced.Wish the new guy luck.

I like this choice,but how about given this to a Asian actor instead.There are so few roles out for minorities as it is.