

Marvel/Disney better not get big headed.their on a role,but if they get cocky,this can all come to an end real quick.

You like that word don't you?

Trust me.If they do make a female lead super heroine movie,there will be plenty of boob shots.She probably will be twerking too.

Very few comic books have lead female characters,so it's no surprise that there isn't a strong push from the heads of studios or production companies to make a movie starting a female.Or any other minority.
Me personally i don't want to see a movie made,because i fear what we will see.Some young hot skinny as a rail

This has got to be the first time they added weight and bulk during photoshopping.

Comic books have grown up.Not sure if this is a good thing,but it does get your attention.

No need to listen,buy,or illegally down load this garbage.

Gonna be an epic season.

Gonna be another disappointment i bet.Trying to breath new life in a story that is fine the way it was meant to be.

Have been a a fan of AOS since the start,knew that they were holding back and building up to something great.But this was not on my radar and the episode was awesome from beginning to end.

Wasn't a fan at first,now i am.It was their early videos that caught my attention.