
The Oscars have a nice golden trophy.

The channel died a long time ago,their music award show even faster.They give awards for things they don't even show.So they went and changed their trophy again.They aways end up gathering dust in the winners basement anyway.

PR has passed it's prime,a change in rating wasn't going to help.The fact that it was successful at all,he should be happy.Stick with tv,not big screen movies.

Tell me how you really feel.If music was always based on looks,we would lose a lot of great music.Over the decades there have been some average looking and some rough sounding voices who have given us classic songs and music.

He doesn't make the best music,but Ed Sheeran isn't the devil either.Really don't understand the hatred coming his way.

Nothing charming about the south's racist slavery past.No image of any plantations should have been included.

What happened to this guy?Just ran out of good ideals or did he get paid a lot of money to direct crap and now can't come up with a good ideal now that Hollywood is done with him.

This guy has't mattered since the 90's.Now like The Chump he wants to be a puppet of putin,what a loser.

Ted Cruz is a waste of space and is not to be seen nor heard.

We have our own buckethead.Some call him president,I call him dumbass.

Queen,Sam Cook,Marvin Gaye,Elvis Presley,Jeff Buckley,AC/DC with Bon Scott,& Mother Love Bone is a concert lineup I would pay just about anything to see.

Both comic powerhouses should have been focused on their female characters,Marvel doesn't release a movie starting a female character until 2019,and it's not a Blackwidow movie.They do a poor job developing books with women and minorities characters,so it should be no surprise that they would only be side characters

Another dumb ideal coming from the house of very few good ideals.If a group is linked to nazis,then they themselves are also nazis and are as guilty for there crimes.Watch the movies,I give up on the books.

The return was alright,lighting is not known to strike twice.Maybe this season they'll be able to find that old magic again.

Tucker Carlson is replacing Bill,the smile has just left my face.

I trust Marvel,they are batting a thousand so far.They know how important there first female lead movie is and are going make the right calls.

Will and Jade look what your children are doing.Sadly I don't think they care.

He didn't get half he really deserved and he ain't no man.

We could really make the world a better place if you leave.

Trump and his group of idiots are going to keep doing this till something really does happen.Using the theory if you wish for it enough,it will happen, if you repeat it enough, people will start to believe it.Until you don't know what is real,fake, up,or down.