
celebrating whiteness is when we all get together and have a race to see who is fastest/nimblest at calling the cops.

because they don’t know even one aspect of their deeper-rooted cultural heritage. Because their ancestors were torn from those locations, those languages, those traditions, and prevented from passing on even the memory of what they were.

It’s also so silly since we are perfectly happy to celebrate tons of other aspects of white culture, all the damn time! “Southern” culture is so obviously celebrated across the South and even in the North with trendy restaurants and BBQ joints and such. Sausage and beer is like the national dish of the midwest, and in

This was my question as a white person. What the fuck is he planning on celebrating?

Not to mention that the reason why the vast majority of black Americans don’t celebrate being Ghanaian, Zulu, Xhosa-speaking, or whatever other granular-level identity would be comparable, is because they don’t know even one aspect of their deeper-rooted cultural heritage. Because their ancestors were torn from those

I’ve made this argument before. They never bother to respond. I also like to point out that being “white” (at least in the US) is defined by not being non-white. There is no other useful definition. So any celebration of “whiteness” is necessarily going to be racist.

“In America you can’t even talk about whiteness,” said Drew Domalick, who lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist”

The promise of his concession speech is the only thing getting me through this never-ending shit show of an election season.

No, it will be something along the lines of “well, you know, [fill in the blank] really wasn’t fair to me, and everybody knows that’s true.”

Nah, he’ll just be like “What? I didn’t wanna be president! This was all a joke. I know all the jokes, I have the *best* jokes! See ya, losers!”

Then go back to his giant building with his name on it and cry bitter tears into a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat

Followed by an epic hissy fit. EPIC.

Mr Trump’s joke relies on a classic two part structure: Setup, and punch line. The set up establishes a mode of reality, priming the listener for more of the same. The punch line then reverses expectation by introducing an absurd, bizarre, or unexpected notion that often seems contrary to the setup. This turn into the

I truly despise people who think that saying “I was joking” or “I didn’t mean it” means that awful thing they said isn’t still a window into their character. It is. If that’s what you think is funny, that says something about you. If your go-to insults of women have to do not with their capabilities or their

I’m having flashbacks to childhood.

Somehow I get the feeling that his inevitable concession speech is going to be some variation of “Eh, I was only joking about the whole thing anyhow...”

I don’t get the joke.



You missed the post where Allie (god I miss her) started shilling products on insta without being asked and then sent the companies a bill for her services?! It was fucking wonderful.