25-30 pounds of fruit a day? How much does is that costing him? In money and in time? It seems like you would spend all your time either eating fruit or sitting on the can.
25-30 pounds of fruit a day? How much does is that costing him? In money and in time? It seems like you would spend all your time either eating fruit or sitting on the can.
The thing that really gets me is that every time a black man is gunned down by a cop they are put on post-humous trial, tried and convicted for non-violent crimes (or non-crimes) like stealing cigars, selling loose cigarettes, having smoked pot, having speeding tickets, or carrying a toy gun. A DUI is a much graver…
He’s a kid, who moved thousands of miles away to a country that he prolly knows nothing about and doesnt know anyone beyond extended family, if he even has extended family there. That’s the plot to every fucking 90s kid’s tv movie. I doubt he had much influence over the final decision or had the capacity to fully…
He was given a scholarship to complete his secondary education in Qatar. I suppose the family thought it was too great an offer to pass up.
I love her loose wild curls. Very romantic look.
Lovely girl, very beautiful face. No professional hairdressers for the event then, but hey, she had her mom’s pearls!
She could have used a comb, but she was much prettier than all these contestants. She looked like an actual human.
The five all have that vaguely thirty-ish Botoxed, fillered, veneered, extensioned, and rhinoplastied look.
Unbeknownst to most, he also runs a combination Dog Rescue/Canine Soup Kitchen called “LOL Kennels”.
huh, I dunno. I’ve never been on GroupThink and only interact here occasionally, I don’t recognize any of the handles right now except Tina, who I know is rad. really just coming at it from what I saw just now, so could be wrong.
I...don’t get it. This smacks of authoritarian nonsense. can you explain why saying boobs and calling them comforting soft mounds is harmful? it’s silly and a trifle juvenile, but not worthy of such censure. boobs actually are comforting soft mounds, last time I checked.
but did he ask for boob pics? I mean, just typing “boobs” is not saying hey show me yours. I get where you are coming from, but I find it a stretch to say misogyny or sexism here. people are sexual beings. even if he was starting a conversation about sex, it doesn’t seem to me that he was forcing it on anyone or…
Why are you attacking Chritter for saying boobs? For real? I don’t see anything wrong with that...It seems really sex negative to take that as an offensive or patriarchal response. I am fairly certain lots of women and differently gender-ed people like boobs, and probably don’t mind discussing them from time to time.
Not really sure I follow...
I woke up and read this story on CNN. It left me teary and angry. A young woman with opinions murdered by her own brother just for being a young woman with opinions. The waste, the loss... it’s hard to process. How does a society hope to thrive if it threatens half its members with murderous violence for the crime of…
Light-hearted is a word to describe a cheap romance novel but this is the first time I have ever heard it describe rape. If this writer is telling us she is very “anti-rape” than why this choice of word? SMH
We did it! I’ll admit, calling Mike Pence to talk about my period was sooooo satisfying.
A miscarried fetus gets disposed of as medical waste (or flushed, depending if you are in a medical facility), as would an aborted fetus. I’m pretty sure your grandma would not qualify as medical waste.
Steal her jewelry and stuff her in the outdoor freezer.