
Yea, i agree that the best part of the game was everything that led up to the end.

However, I remember that when it first came out, most people didn't even know that Yuffie was recruitable. And the process of getting KOTR was a mystery. I also remember thinking it was impossibly hard to get Omnislash from the battle

Its underwhelming because you got all those things.

Those were meant to be cool bonus like things that werent meant to be compulsory to be acquired.

I actually completed the game my first time when I was 9 years old without 4xattack, KOTR, 3 ribbons, etc. and it was a freaking tough 20 minute battle against sephiroth.


I was hoping that this was the case. It was really hard to continue watching the video when all the commentators were talking about is how to get a girl at the night party and bits of "WHOOO" thrown in here and there.

It was really dismal

i want to see that lift someone

good questions.

I don't have the answers. Just wanted to let you know

I would give this so much likes if only it was easier to distinguish between the 2 consoles in this gif. :(

Alfred E. Neuman

Jessica Rabbit

Well, if they are reading this, I will volunteer too.

why does nobody get that that character model was really that famous Elizabeth cosplayer in facial mo-cap? You know, the one that Irrational hired after her incredible photos of her portraying Elizabeth.

or "I just witness a horrible, traumatic, and scarring event in my life. I want to immediately distract myself from thinking about this incident."

I don't the majority of us actually wanted him to get fired. But I do believe that we knew that he was going to get fired anyway.

His actions seriously hurt his company's image. It was pretty obvious that this was the impending result. Additionally, this is not limited to the video game industry. I know there are

Don't forget Rosalind Lutece in the recent Bioshock Infinite.

Although I enjoyed her work in Metal Gear Solid 4 as Naomi the best.

I actually like that the game was made in a way that we HAVE to adapt to different play styles.
Normally, I would pick 2 guns, 2 vigors that I like and just stick with them the whole way. But because ammo is limited in each fight instance (as in you can have full ammo before going into an area, but you would most

let me just explain a few things that might help (references names of Voxophones):
1) Rosalind Lutece created (or discovered) a quantum particle that is the basis of her "Lutece Field".

it worked for me when i bought the spec/darkness bundle

huh, with an environment like that, what else was the protagonist gonna be other than a theif?

Just don't hold it to the same candle to Bioshock and Bioshock infinite.

Both those games were written and directed by Ken Levine and created by Irrational games. Bioshock 2 was outsourced to another developer. You can see how this would affect the story. Ken Levine has not hid his disappointment with how Bioshock 2's

I started playing Bioshock about a year ago, but I couldnt get over the clunkyness of the gameplay. I stopped once I hit a game-breaking bug midway through the first act. Didn't really care at that point.

Seriously, I have not met a single person who disapproves Shepard's death. All issues were aimed at the abysmal storytelling at the end