Software engineer here (former gamedev, currently corporate). We mostly accept that crunch is a fact of life in software development (and a lot of other industries). Simply budgeting more time doesn’t work as a general solution because work tends to fill the available time without necessarily progressing further. Some…
Every day this year, I’ve come to understand Nintendo’s decision to stay out of the competitive scene more and more.
The dig at FFVII is really unnecessary. I wouldn’t call the more in-depth storytelling “Filler” or “Padding”
But....why is it a problem if Tarkov decides it will do a war game where the soldiers are male? Nobody really makes a good argument for why that’s a problem, or why that is an issue worth writing long articles about. “Representation is good!” Sure, cool, we agree. But that isn’t the same as “I should care that this…
While I have spent damn near a lifetime getting used to the toxicity on the internet and multiplayer games, that doesn’t mean it needs to be a pre-requisite to enjoying them. Just because you’ve gotten used to it and had to go through it doesn’t mean anyone else should have to.
Okay... so... okay... how to respond to this... there’s a very specific response I have for this article (and it’s not an exact response TO this article but more of a tangent) but I don’t want to give the wrong impression here. Some disclosures first regarding my views.
Haha, right? I’m trying to articulate it, it’s not that he’s white he just seems like he fell out of the Young Adult Novel protagonist vending machine. He’s even got that swoopy hairstyle that defined every young male hero from roughly 1983 to now.
This “scandal” reminds me of an old saying: “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.”
We have far more important things to fret about than the idiocy of a celebrity and what other people think of her.
A video game about ghosts playing soccer.
Ok, so let’s assume some things. Let’s use oculus as the example, mainly because they have no idea how to ship anything because this is their first ever product launch. So, we need to produce these things, and we need to guess at how many we should have in the pipeline being ready sometime near our expected launch,…
What a good time to be a Dota2 fan, the drama is so yummy.
Seriously? It’s a jump from 2D to 3D. A fundamental revolution in the way the game’s characters and world are portrayed.
He is not “esports” he is a manchild with humor stylings best served amongst the junior high school demographics.
Yeah people forget that Valve is a really huge successful business and you don’t get huge and sucessful and do things like change the gaming industry on a fundamental level by dealing amatures or people who don’t live up to your brand ESPECIALLY when you were given a 2nd chance.
Out-rage culture annoys that crap out…
A Dota tournament is not the same as a Pewdiepie stream. You’re not doing antics for children anymore. You’re broadcasting to anyone who cares enough to find out what a Dota 2 tournament is. Old people and conservative people have the right to view a Dota 2 tournament without being turned off by a vulgar clown. I am…
Nearly a year after a notorious scandal, Valve has clarified their stance on the punishment for match-fixing (that…
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only Cyclops fan in the world. I genuinely agree with his approach to things and feel for him since he’s so overworked and has the weight of the mutant world on his shoulders. I’m always surprised at how few fans of Scott there are. Everyone seems to hate on him for being a hardass but I…