
Sorry it was a poor choice of words. I meant more like he wasn't allowed to flex his creative muscles and make new IP or be wacky in his Kamiya style. 

His beliefs as a creator is an interesting thing to say I wonder if he felt "censored" at Platinum or saw the company headed in a direction he didn't support. 

I think now Kotaku writer Carolyn Petit put it best. It is dad rock and not New Wave. 

RDR 2 at least came with all the features it promised. Including an on online mode. It failed but at least they tried and released it.

BG3 yeah amazing but quite buggy. TOTK is a 7/10 for me but I do think it is still good and I can see why so many love it. Too many little Annoying things that grate over 98 hours for me but a good game nonetheless.

Tech nerds really have it out to try and make Aloy look “better” and it always look like that. Genuinely hilarious.

It takes two to sign a contract. Square would happily accept cash in hand for exclusivity and they did. Devs do not care and given the issues at launch must’ve been more than happy to only have to focus on one console rather than the billion configurations of a PC.

Shh. You’re making too much sense at may be called a scab.

Pay us more because we never knew said thing would be popular/successful and now want more. On new jobs with how intensive modern Performance work is go nuts and get those residuals but to try and retroactively ask for more when it isn’t in the contract is sad.

So the first hack with employee information was due a vulnerability in Progress Software’s system (a third party) which SONY uses. So is that Sony’s fault or Progress Softwares? Genuinely asking since I don’t really know much about this stuff.

I think a lot of people thought that a smaller game would lead to a better story. A lot of people I read also found it to be too safe with parkour being the version from Valhalla which was simplistic.

It is so weirdly staged with the way characters act, speak, move and smile. Like they are walking to the spot, waiting 3 seconds, saying mechanical dialogue mechanically, wait 3 seconds, reply, end scene.

Seriously like insanely bad. I don’t use my phone when watching TV but with this show it was just difficult to pay attention. This episode was the first one to feature decent fights and I do think Thrawn is interesting but, damn the show is a burger without any meat.

Holy crap that is massive for Diablo. Blizzard really cannot seem to get it right at the moment with all of their games.

It is a non-story if you’re not a person who speaks said language or who’s culture is being used. I’ve had white people mispronounce my name and other things from my language Shiva being called “SHEE-VA” for example.

has the Diablo IV drop-off been that big? I’m genuinely curious since it was a pretty popular game until a few months back

With the amount of anticipation surrounding the game, it's actual footprint has been pretty weak online after the initial 2 weeks. Like BG3 is still getting talked about. TOTK basically dominated the conversation for two months. Starfield just kinda disappeared which is weird for a game of that scale

Honestly I've only heard great things about the series but it is the no. 7 which makes it difficult. Does the story between game continue or is each game standalone?

I think it is obvious that the big games this month are Spider-Man 2 and Mario Wonder both are pre-ordered already. it is my Barbenheimer. The ones I’m curious about are Alan Wake 2 and Mirage. Mirage can wait for a sale since Ubi regularly have big discounts within 3 months. Alan Wake 2 look excellent and I loved 1 &

So I had three missions that didn’t work when I played at launch. Thankfully all side content. Two of those got fixed (one was a door not opening to get armor and the other was triggering a free DLC quest which kept crashing the game), the third one which never got fixed was a hunt. I can’t remember which creature