I would’ve used Dark Tower’s Elba but yeah Sonic was the best choice
I would’ve used Dark Tower’s Elba but yeah Sonic was the best choice
Is it still basically a linear game with a main plot that doesn’t actually have anything to say with great performances?
You know maybe the 80's should come back nerds need to get their asses kicked again.
He speaks rubbish 90% of the time.
It is netflix logic of the content promoting itself. It doesn’t work.
My issue has always been the devaluing of games. Now people expect indies to come on a subscription and you hear more and more people refusing to buy games until it comes into the subscription. Companies like DEVOLVER have lost money due to GP/PS Plus releases. It was mentioned in their last quarter earnings.
Yup. He is 23-24 in the game. He looked too old in the PS4 version.
Has anyone actually seen what Tom Holland looks like? Because he doesn’t look like him at all.
I’m always mixed between First Blood and Rocky 1 as his best. They’re both incredible movies in franchises that turned to crap.
I feel the show is too rigid. The acting and movements are too long and drawn out to the point that it looks like a rehearsal.
Rumours had it that they were working on Season 2 before the strikes.
It was cheap, cheesy and unearned. It was there for neck beards to screenshot and put on Reddit and twitter.
Why is every motherfucking planet in the streaming shit (except Andor) cloudy and grey and lifeless. It is so freaking boring. None of the planets have any personality or uniqueness.
I did but I’m still quite mixed on it. I feel it played it too safe and my dislike of a certain character coming back really irked me. But then I also hated the post game stuff in DQ11. So maybe those kind of time twists just aren’t for me. It was better than the fake ending though.
I wish it was but as a fan of her work in New Girl, this was not good generally.
MS are currently focused on beating Sony. Once they do which looks increasingly likely with how much money they're throwing around, the next focus will be PC and Valve.
25-30 hours for the true ending which requires completing the major collectibles.
The game is good at everything but it fucks up the ending so bad and the writing in general was just not good either. 7/10 or 8 if I'm generous.
If you’re buying a port of a game that is also releasing on consoles with tech nearly 10 years ahead of the port, you kinda get what you paid for.
That costs money and Nintendo hates spending money.