I disagree frame drops can make me extremely queasy especially in fps games. It's why I don't mind locking games at 30 but a very stuttery constantly fluctuating 60 makes me sick.
I disagree frame drops can make me extremely queasy especially in fps games. It's why I don't mind locking games at 30 but a very stuttery constantly fluctuating 60 makes me sick.
I think the best compliment I can give Shin is she’s the second best actor in the show so far. Ray Stevenson is actually acting.
It is over rehearsed. Every movement seems unnatural like you can see the actors counting the number of steps they have to walk to start talking.
These shows have budgets going over 100 mil at least. Where is the money going? It definitely isn't in the muddy grey backgrounds in every fucking scene. It isn't in the VFX which have been just about competent. It isn't in the choreography which is amateurish. It isn't in the directing which is sloppy. The cast is…
Not true because shows would do a better job explaining the personal stakes for the audience to care. Unless you've seen Rebels, no one will understand why Ezra is so important that sabine literally sided with the villains.
I’ll put it like this, you care about Joel’s decision in The Last of Us because they spent 9-10 episodes building them both for that one decision
Ooh sounds good. Will look into it.
I can only speak for Mass Effect since I just played those, they are basically narrative action games with dialogue options. To call them RPGs is to do a disservice to RPGs in general since they are way too linear (with the exception of ME1).
Isn’t “folks” a gender neutral term already or is it there a reason to use “folx”
RPGs are one of the few types of games where going for a pacifist run should at least feel doable. The fact that Bethesda has still not found a way to make that happen is odd.
I don’t know about the US situation but my American Sister in Law says Theatres there are pigstys and the audio isn’t proper in a lot of them. In Hong Kong they’re really well maintained overall so we have a pretty good cinema going audience.
Her rhetoric is too harsh but the she has not been very good at this overall and while I do agree actors deserve better using words like “tyranny” only forces the other side to shore up even more.
GoW 3 on PS4 has sex with Aphrodite while her assistants comment on it. So kinda horny?
City of Broken Dreamers is really quite good. Too often the porn games tend to lean to heavily on the MC being a characterless chad with no charisma.
Press F to fuck dinglebot69420's mom
Am I remembering it correctly that New Vegas by Obsidian had less junk/ useless items than the bethesda games? Or do I have rose-tinted glasses?
i think you hit the nail as to why I’m so bored by it. After so many years in development I genuinely expected and was hoping for more. It is very pretty but between the generated planets and lack of basic improvements or new features, it just hasn’t impressed me. The dialogues and NPC faces are also pretty…
The bugs and shit were terrible but the story and Night City were the biggest disappointments for me.
Looking at the reception early on it seems like people just don’t care and treat the modding community as a part of the gameplay longevity.
But a ton of AAA games are doing it. Most of Microsoft’s games have accessibility in-built. Heck a lot of other Zenimax games have it. Starfield has been in development for 8 years, I don’t think it is wrong to have assumed that there would be more than just font size and iron sights. Even small things like font…