
Once again proof that nerds are the biggest idiots out there. From the Schezwan sauce at McDonalds to running and trying to get Pokemon cards. Nerds are trained to anticipate limited stock there by paying exorbitant prices for stuff that isn’t worth it.

Of course after they re-release this version on ps6,7 and 8. 

Same was kinda hoping for aroace because I am one but she seems homo-romantic ace which is still cool.

I still think asexual but homo-romantic. Like she does have romantic feelings and attraction just not sexual interest.

Tbf with the internation collections the Pope's exorcist is already making profit and has recouped it's budget. 

Because the moment the kid talks this show is dead in the water. Grogu is cash cow for merch. The moment he talks they're gonna lose it since there is nothing worst than a precocious kid. 

I think the entire season feels aimless because they decided they wanted to MCU this story. So out of nowhere the plot pivots to being about Mandalore. Which isn’t a bad thing but the way they do it is shoddy.

double or triple the walk speed and yeah this would be amazing!

oh thank god I thought it was only me that questioned the rules and structure of that silly game. People in school said I was wrong!

Also, Bungie are not stupid they kept things quiet for a reason. He chose to try and create a victim narrative and backlash and I am not surprised he went to someone gullible like Paul Tassi for this.

Yeah basically reminded me that I’m gonna have to go dark on the gaming internet for a bit due to spoilers, rumors and general hype building which to me has the opposite effect. 

So we are just gonna throw 3-4 articles a day about this game for the most random shit for the next 8 months huh?

Disagree. Better skills, better movement, better map layouts, better side missions. The narrative is a huge downgrade and I wish there was at least one more hub area. But Prague was really well designed.

GOT is really good. I love how the game showed his memories when he would commit dishonorable deeds in Act 1. Truly masterful my only regret is I played the game 3 months before I got my PS5 because fuck me I would’ve used that photo mode even more.

You better be ready to see a lot of that in lists on videogame websites. Critics will just make up any shit to put a game they love in a list.

Corpos have a right to do business as they see fit. They are not there to be altruistic. If I’m given money and support for my game early on during development why the heck would I not take it? People will buy the game on PC in a year or two just like they did for FF7R.

I do think as more time passes the S seems like a bigger and bigger mistake for Microsoft. The S sells at a hefty loss, most people are looking for X now which is rarely in stock, and the feature parity means development takes longer and will only get more difficult.

So reading the comments it seems most people are PC or Xbox gamers hence the negativity. Also I love that FF keeps trying new things unlike the boring AF DQ series that hasn't evolved ever. 

I agree it also prevents people from entering a series that they may love. I bought GR Remastered on a sale just because I liked the cover and it became one of my favorite franchises. I wish it was on Extra so more people could play the game.

Gajillion views, a Kotaku article and the epic highs and low of gittin gud? I don’t know honestly. It just seems silly at this point.