Cool Dance Move!

Phelps's eyes were bloodshoot, "his speech was mush mouth,"

Now playing

This is the sole reason Eric Berry won't be doing drugs.

Looks to me like the center made a great play: he saw that the DE was offside, so the center intentionally snapped the ball early to guarantee the penalty. Go to the :25 mark of the video and you'll see the center do exactly that.


Ah, fuck it. Yes! That's your answer! That's your answer to everything! Tattoo it on your forehead! Your revolution is over, Ms. Greene! Condolences! The bums lost! My advice is, do what your parents did! Get a job, madam! The bums will always lose, do you hear me, Greene? THE BUMS WILL ALWAYS LOSE!

Um, how does she get assigned to cover this story? Shouldn't there be an editor or producer there to see this obvious conflict of interest and therefore give the story to somebody else? Am I missing something here? Is there a shady world of TV reporters regularly reporting on their own business interests?

How can you be so sure this will kill the meme? It might propel it to new heights given Winston's visibility and stature on campus; I'm betting a lot of people are hearing about it for the first time today. Indeed, someday we may look back and say Winston's act was the meme's Seminole moment.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

The BYU shirt (and degree) makes it that much better.

Drake with better rankings than Nas and Jaz-Z? I think it's safe to say you made a terrible mistake.

I made the executive decision to let Drew do whatever he wanted here, and I stand by that, but in retrospect Drake's rankings here are a little nuts.

Yeah any time a starting QB goes down I automatically assume Seneca Wallace is his backup.

Iceland is separated from Ireland by the Atlantic Ocean and about 900 miles

it seems like most of it is what I described. I'm not complaining though since I don't like baseball as anything more than background noise

I know we no longer require commenters to be funny or have a point, but can we at least require the writers to do so?

misleading headline.

Wow, all those words and not a single mention of Thibalt Courtois.

not the group of death Greg, no matter how many times you say it