
I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry my compliments weren’t enough for you? I dunno dude lol you’re a pretty woman, I like the dress. Is that better?

I wouldn’t say “hot”, but that dress is amazing, and it’s good that you are confident! :)

but aren’t there many different kind of feminists? I see this trotted out a lot as well.

Where is the little adorable “can’t it be both?” girl when you need her?

No they do not (sorry, wet dreams and pity fuck does not count). fat people are really unfuckable

So you’re assuming that it was a guy who posted it... how SJW of you.

for that comment you ended it?

My dad’s like that. He’s always been obese, and yet always finds the need to point out ‘people who make him look small’. Like, okay, yeah. There are other overweight people out there. But maybe, just maybe, dad, you should try focusing on making yourself happy with your own body instead of shaming others.

They are pretty darn arrogant lately. Namely the fact that the expect the customers to actually do their job for them on every possible facet in the store while they still take all the money and then have the audacity intended o claim “it’s working as intended” when it comes across as a total mess.

They need to be sued. They would lose and it would probably be a good step in getting them to change. I don’t like the sue crazy nature of the US but this is a company that really needs to be knocked down a peg.

Horrible. It should be at the most $60 a year, hell, it should come free with PSN+. That’s ignoring the fact that many worthwhile games are only available as rentals as opposed to coming with the subscription.

Question: You have a knife, and a bunch of cops pull up to you, guns drawn after you’ve been going around slashing tires. Now, I honestly mean no judgement by this, but do you really need to be told to drop the knife? If you meant no harm to anyone, wouldn’t you just drop it, or better yet, wouldn’t you just not have

If you honestly believe police officers wake up every day with the mentality of wanting to murder people, ala “hunting season”, you are fucking delusional. Get outside of your bubble of ignorance and go talk to some police officers.

...And you can also google all the times they were shot at and killed. As of September 1st of this year, police killed 776 people, 385 of whom were white, 66 of those 385 were unarmed. Don’t try to make this about skin color.

Once an assailant closes within a gap of under 10 feet, it is too late. An assailant can cover 5 feet of ground in under a second. If he got within just 5 feet from the officer, the situation is considered ‘out of control’ — the other officers risk shooting OR tasing that other cop, and then creating an extremely

Winner of a knife fight leaves in an ambulance, the loser in a body bag.

You get close enough to hit with your one-shot tazer, now what if it doesn’t work? You’re in close proximity to a pissed-off guy with a knife.

A few things worth mentioning here. Cops are trained to shoot for center mass, not someone’s legs. Someone could very well die from being shot in the leg. If a cop shoots to maim someone, there’s gonna be hell to pay.

“McDonald had a small knife, but was moving away from Van Dyke at a safe distance and posed no threat”

No Penny-Arcade this week?