
In Japan you can bribe the officials when you are caught, it’s costly but saves you from being locked up!

They hate us cuz they ain’t us

Coke is amazing, leave these beautiful young ladies alone.

His opinion is offensive? You’re offended? Are you triggered? Do you need a safe space to talk about it?

Dude probably watches 10 of those videos a day and wouldn’t be able to get by without them lol

It has nothing to do with his job though. You can read why he thinks the way he does and his job does not factor into his judgement whatsoever.

A real job is something that if it were to disappear, people would seriously miss it and find it hard to get by without. If half of all YouTubers stopped making videos today, the world would not be seriously affected.

Right? It’s not everyone else’s duty to cater to people who want to make a living making YouTube videos. “Work” within their rules or don’t. And I know editing is a long, tedious pain in the ass, I’m not saying making a good video is easy, but nobody is forcing them to do it.

Why not wait until it’s done to release stuff like this? Forego the recognition and just put it on a torrent site anonymously so people can experience it for generations, not hours. I guess needing that recognition for your effort is more important than people being able to actually enjoy what was made? As an artist,

That was... pretty bad. I mean I guess the art is cool, but it has nothing to do with Dark Souls.

She argued for pedophilia. I guess that’s fine by you though.



Eh, if they aren’t using this to announce something, it’s pretty painful.

Jesus Christ did he have to badger the guy about it? There’s something to be said for being impartial after all, especially if you’re covering something. It read like he was trying to get the guy to capitulate that he did something wrong and for him to apologize in advance for things that haven’t even happened.

Jesus Christ did you have to badger the guy about it? There’s something to be said for being impartial after all, especially if you’re covering something. It read like you were trying to get him to capitulate that he did something wrong and for him to apologize in advance for things that haven’t even happened.

What are you, a toddler? “Nuh uh, you are” is all you have to say, and you tell me to try harder? Unreal LOL

jesus christ dude it’s just a game, you don’t sound deep or introspective, you just sound like an idiot lol

Seems pretty terrible to be fine with games potentially being lost to time.

Seriously, like wtf