
“After all, you’re in the business of gaming news and criticism. Kind of hard to sell your product if it has neither news nor criticism.”

There is nothing wrong with people stating their opinion. Just because you name it something does not make it a bad thing. Sorry, just needed to remind y’all!

Is it just me or does the dev come off like an entitled prick?

You do realize that just because someone names something doesn’t make bringing it up in any way relevant or insightful, yes? Good.

fuck that person, you’re gonna ruin someone’s life because of your shitty job? terrible person and a crybaby. oh, and don’t worry honey, your 7 watered down margaritas over the course of a dinner isn’t enough to hurt an infant, you fucking loser.

Not to mention the server lied to the police about the circumstances. Not tipping and driving drunk are super not cool, but lying to the police isn’t okay just because the other guys are dicks.

I can drink 5-6 shots and not be blackout drunk. I don’t think 7 margs is huge for some people.

Dude go screw, anyone working at a restaurant like that is TIP Certified, knows the laws and ramifications of overserving customers, and now apparently found it satisfying to fuck up these people’s lives over a $4 tip when the server is absolutely responsible for how much they ended up having to drink. This is also in

I wish. I’m a man who does 100 percent of all household chores, and everything involving my kids. I “get some” maybe twice a year, and I’m only 30.

House work is women’s work sorry I didn’t get married to still have to do the windows if I wanted to do house work I’d still be single.

You do realize that nowhere in the article does it say that he’s used to having just his wife clean, right? Why would he get excited about hiring someone to clean unless he’s been doing the cleaning himself? You think he’s hoping for a reprieve from... nothing? Bad reading makes for bad writing.

This game is garbage. Seriously. Only recommended if you’re one of those dudes with groomed mustaches. But, at that point, you should probably just stay at the coffee shop talking to locals about school funding.

If people wrote a satirically racist article about blacks would it be ok?

yeah this is inside baseball

I am criticizing the article’s tone and content.

Get ready for an avalanche of fuckwads to call you a racist for daring to mention any of these valid points! Because if there’s one thing this crew loves, it’s calling people who are actually trying to move things forward “racists”, and in so doing keeping things firmly where they are.

I don’t disagree with anything you said.

You can’t counter any of my points, so all you can do is ad homonym attacks.

The tone and content of this article is, essentially, trolling white people who are conscientious about racism.