
@MobyMan: All Nexus Ones are SIM unlocked.

Why don't we all just take the Valve approach? Release a very decent game, then constantly update it with lots of content to make it even better, and to keep it selling strong?

Dual booting 64-bit Ubuntu and 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate here.

@Scazza: Plenty of technology blogs have this misconception. It really drives us developers nuts when they say that Android completely lacks multitouch. :)

@Scazza: I am an Android developer with a prominent application in the Android Market. You're thinking of Android 1.6 and earlier. With the release of 2.0 (which the Droid and Nexus [2.1] have), the standard API does indeed support multitouch. Dolphin Browser, for example, provides pinch-to-zoom on Android 2.0 on the

@Scazza: The Nexus One does have multitouch support. None of the default applications use it, but it's there, and the APIs are there.

@Jay Jay Deng: You're assuming that the PS3 has been hacked for piracy. It hasn't been.

@Weather: Aluminum cases would probably be a good idea, because aluminum is fairly light for transportation purposes (though probably not quite as light as plastic), completely recyclable, way more durable than plastic, and wouldn't add that much cost to packaging (for example, beer/soda cans are crazy cheap to make,

Cygwin had worked with Windows 7 just fine before this version. I had been using it for Android native development.

@Yossarian: First off: "Linux" isn't some organization, it's software, an operating system kernel developed by thousands of (mostly volunteer) contributors. It's not "Linux" that spends millions, it's the contributors reviewing and merging code mostly mostly voluntarily. Companies do pay money for support and

I've been on AT&T EDGE for a while now on an unlocked G1. It's excruciatingly slow, but bandwidth isn't the problem, it's latency: I get over 400ms latency. I don't understand why US carriers can't all use the 900/2100 bands for UMTS like all the other countries.

My advice is to keep your pagefile at a constant size, about double your RAM amount, on a separate partition and at the front of your disk (where disk I/O is the fastest).


@I_MAED_A_NICKNAME_WITH_Z0MBI3S: Can't. Only original PS3s can run Linux/homebrew, which is required for these number crunching tasks. They removed this capability from the Slim for no reason.

Keep it low - don't hype at all until close to release. If you get a cease and desist, leak the source code to torrent sites anonymously.

@BlingOnMyWrist: It's not really your fault if you glitch or cheat. You're indirectly pointing out a problem that should have been fixed in the retail version of the game. As a software developer myself, I believe that glitches and bugs are the sole responsibility of the software developer, not the end user. If people

@kidney_stone: I don't understand why everyone's so concerned about Google getting this data. Your ISP knows so much more about you, for example. I'd rather trust Google over Comcast anyday.