
@Justin Rebmann: That was my first thought as well. Not just anyone can run a Black Ops server. Maybe they confused it with another game.

@cycle-ops: The standard "clickity clackity" IBM keyboard is actually a very high quality keyboard with real mechanical switches and not cheaper dome caps like you'd get in your typical "gaming" keyboard. Boxer used that keyboard in particular for a reason.

@nerdydesi: A good PS3 emulator probably won't happen for another half decade at the minimum, I'm guessing. The Cell is one powerful beast.

@radialshifter: I think you could achieve what I described above with a decent dual or triple GPU setup, and something still way better than what the PS3 can render with much less.

If only Sony would allow Polyphony to release a PC port of this beautiful game. Imagine GT5 in 3D cranked up way past 1080p on multiple monitors, with 16x anti-aliasing and improved textures and environmental effects, all locked at 60fps.

@mitraxis: Well, then it's the developer's fault for designing a port for the newer hardware from the ground up, not the fault of the older hardware itself.

Reiterating my earlier point about outdated hardware: how well does an iPhone 2G run Epic Citadel? How about an iPhone 3G?

For the record, they were talking about the "G2 Touch," which is a rebranded HTC Hero.

You can't get even half the full experience of StarCraft II with a pirated copy. That doesn't justify pirating it just for the single player, but most of these people are probably just jumping on the bandwagon. I bet a pretty non-substantial amount actually went on to buy the game for and the multiplayer.

Friend is spy!

@BarbarianLibrarian: I'm pretty sure they have the right to read your company ( inbox. I suspect this person was stupid enough to use that to forward the e-mail.

@Zobmie: Destroying the hard drive, though draconian (nothing, I repeat nothing, in the current forensic arsenal can recover data from a drive that has been rewritten with random data several times - the Department of Defense has standards for this. Physically shredding hard drives over secure wiping them is done for

@Justin May: Surely you must mean they DBAN'd them and donated them to charities that needed them? But that would be too smart. No, destroying them was the way to go.

I developed the application in that screenshot. This is fake. The Droid in the picture is not really running at 2GHz. The developer of this overclock hack basically wrote a script for the existing overclock module that tricked SetCPU into thinking the phone was at 2GHz.

Wait, what happened to net neutrality here? Why isn't the FCC breathing down their backs?

@TrainerRed: Because Valve is nice, and other developers are not so nice.

@Dr. Nemmo: The CPU is just as fast as the one in the iPad (it's a 1GHz Hummingbird - there is nothing special about the "A4"), and it has more RAM and a better GPU. I'm not sure if the actual unsubsidized price for anywhere except for the European market has been announced yet.

From the perspective of a developer whose application probably won't be accepted by Verizon's censors anyway, this is a terrible idea.

Does anyone have a link to the creepy version? I want to see what that's all about.