Cool Beans dude

*farts in agreement*

anyone who cant deal with the modest discomforts that come with being around humans shouldn’t be on the train.

have i missed something? Is the airplane bathroom a place where a bunch of people can gather and just fart in comfort of friends?

Who are these people that only fart in bathrooms? How uptight must you be?

“Becoming very angry when she refused”?

Yes - western PA here. I know people that voted bush, at lesat once, then obama. And people who voted obama then trump. Those are the exceptsion for sure. Obama won over many moderates. It was part of his demographic advantage. All the people in the middle who were sick of Bush were looking for any reason they could

I guess that’s our difference. Obama and Bill Clinton both were charismatic and centrists. Did they overcome their charisma allow them to win over far left ppl? Or did their centrism allow their charisma to net a bunch of centrists and right of center or independents? I think it’s the latter. I’m pretty sure the

One may argue Obama was fairly moderate, aimed toward the middle (just left thereof) and won handily twice.

are you saying we the parties just need to rouse their base? like, MORE polarization is your solution?

I suppose you have better ideas?

I really think they just needed to dump Crowder and Rose. Dead weight, fucking up every aspect of O & D the both of ‘em.

I’m just here for the digs at Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns. Miller’s stuff has not aged well save Daredevil, maybe.

But it does, doesn’t it? What conversation are we having?

I guess the 1.8 million kids or so now getting CHIP should’ve just fucked off huh?

I’ve been too Alabama, Mississippi, and basically large swaths of the south outside the cities (the educated, non-white trash parts). All also shitholes.

“what kind of truly shitty person expresses that among strangers, publically, and why?’”

Who are the oppressed in this situation? Women who took “Sex Scenes” classes and then were offended when sex was explored in the class? And an ex-girlfriend who gave a blow job when she’d rather have waited to do it until later that night?

Its very dumb, but also your rebuttal to his rebuttal (?) is dumber.

If you simply say “Jax Pavan (or whoever)is her dad” then yes. 99% will be pissed. But if you actually incorporate some back story, bring in some of the extended universe, then everyone ends up invested.

But there are a lot of other interesting options in between her family Solos/Skywalkers/Kenobis and her family being nobodies.