Cool Beans dude

“just met”? Again, how does she have no knowledge of him then? She’s trying to work with him, Mr Show’s ‘big’ character was him insultingly portraying a redneck (Ronnie)? I dunno. Maybe then she doesnt know. But how ever many years later when making the post? she isn’t aware of either his comedy or his aggressively

He nor i am brushing it off. It just seems like by this point, how many years later, she would have now at least some sense of his comedic intent. So dragging his name through the mud rather than, say, using this as an opportunity to point out that even when trying to insult racists white dudes’ misguided humor can

but 10yrs later, you’d think she’d ahve learned at least something about his comedic intent. why drag his name through the mud when you can just point this out as an example of a white dude using a misguided attempt at humor and failing?

What Cross did to Yi and being called a fag walking down the street are not at all the same thing, and you know it.

But that was exactly his point. Are you at all familiar with his comedy?

Or the person your doing it in front of has somehow no idea about your kind of humor and took it in a way that was not intended. This seems like a pretty obvious case of Cross being misguided, but then Yi for some reason being still so upset about it years later? Does she really think “David Cross, the actual David

Is writing the only measure of brilliance? you really have a lot riding on proving that Lebron isn’t impressive other than as an athlete. its interesting.

Basketball is the most interesting, but to shrug off how he’s navigated his career, became essentially the CEO of his own brand calling shots on who to hire as agents, being the architect of teams he plays on, and sort of leading the trend of athletes untying themselves from bullshit loyalties, choosing friends wisely

Are you aware that your post is self-contradictory? It tells us you squandered what opportunities you had to better yourself, while pointing out Lebron didn’t do that? Is there a larger lesson to be learned from your post or did your opportunity wasting-ass just barf out words?

I’m afraid I’m going to be disappointed by this due to the MCU-ification of the story. Coates BP run has been GREAT, and there could be such a fantastic movie made out of its elements. But i suspect it will end up like you describe.

Christians demanded both that rt 666 be changed to a different number, and that the Tampa Bay Devil Rays become just the “Rays”. And of justifying Trump. So really not surprising.

Me too - and i cringe because Team America was a funny, but embarrassingly misguided movie (not to mention hypocritical - celebrities with political opinions making a politically opinionated movie about, ugh, obnoxious celebrities like matt damon having political opinions). At least Matt and Trey have sort of come to

in other words - “we ran an unfounded story, based on heresay, that has been debunked, but we will continue to double down because we wish to undermine our credibility even more now.”

Obvious comment but - should media companies really hold their personalities to a higher standard than congress holds the fucking US President?

Also - no. There is absolutely a difference between the “Trump sucks” crowd and the moron’s wearing NRA hats while hundreds of people are gunned down daily.

no. The #1 rule for most normal people is “don’t furiously/awkwardly climb onto the hood of a school bus in broad daylight”.

If any of the statues were of a nameless poor person ,rather than the wealthier generals, then maybe there’s something to discuss here. And then only if it was a memorial to fallen soldiers rather than the fallen cause.

Melania would’ve married fucking Qaddafi if the trump thing didn’t work out.

Expressing negative opinions and publishing unflattering stories on trump doesn’t mean you have a liberal bias. More often than not, its sane & objective.

I’m not surprised, just fucking bummed by volume of morally bankrupt, cynical writers are out there with the sole purpose of just stirring shit up. They have no actually ideology other than to feed the bullshit hype/meme/click-bait machine.