
I love/hate the part of the .gif where her neck is elongated. It's as if she says, "is this what you want? Please?"

I thought I had a good answer, then I realized it wasn't something I could explain that's consistent across people. Sometimes it surprises me,

Maybe it was one of your previous posts, but I've read essentially the same story multiple times. Any knowledge of this or anything similar being published somewhere?

Loved this episode. I worked for UCA (subset of Varsity a huge uniform company) for a year after my college days teaching camps.

I was a college cheerleader and there was a "study" (who knows about validity) passed around that said per capita catastrophic injuries, not just most. I could believe it, too, as the protection is not there should something go wrong (helmets, pads, etc.). You're also doing mostly unnatural activities (tumbling,

Maybe Macklemore's effort makes the conversation more palatable, more accessible to a wider range of people. I think that's good. The conversation shouldn't stop here. It should allow us to discover other points of view, other artists with similar message and different creative outlets. Maybe the YouTube line

Welp, I'm glad I managed to hoodwink my Wife into marriage. Otherwise my fedora and popped-collar wearing self would be so lonely.

I think I would, too. It is fertile for reimagining, I think.

But I'm willing to suspend a lot of reality in a Romeo & Juliet production.

He seems it, especially next to Rashad

Was just thinking that Bloom didn't look entirely comfortable on that thing.


Those of us with a dark sense of humor appreciate your inclusive nature. We're also drunk. And "fun".

How uncanny is it that the card(s) pulled to replenish your hand are often the perfect fit for the topic just played?

Recommending for Cards Against Humanity reference. AMAZING game. Even more amazing is making people wildly uncomfotable during play.

(insert dressing to the right AND left joke)

Bro, if your slampiece ain't no dimepiece, she don't get no piece! You feel me?!

Turn it into hard apple cider next time and that feeling will just float away!

Note on the Kitchen Table

I'll have what HE'S having.