
Just have to echo this. You don't need to be rude, but you don't have to have a fake excuse for declining an invitation.

You sound like a Mama that wouldn't get moved down the call list.

I have enjoyed several borderline horrifed reactions from generations older than mine when I state my disinterest in having a child.

This is usually pretty clear, I think. The vague, "well, we're just not sure we can leave her that night" over and over again means you're moving down the list.

It seems like it's just a change in priority, right? My child-ful friends' lives revolve around the child, which seems appropriate. What is annoying to those of us who are childless is that when we call or make plans their first question is how we can alter them to fit their child.

The sneeze+fart is always a crowd pleaser though!

This where I quote my lovely step grandmother: ladies never fart before marriage. They don't have assholes before then.

Then I have to agree with the sentiment of those above. It seems like getting out is the move. Taking care of yourself is the priority, and by extension you'll be doing the best thing for him, too.

Found these books this summer. Nearly finished with A Clash of Kings.

Just got into these books this summer. Nearly done with A Clash of Kings. Very good.

Is it worth fighting for since you're having trouble leaving/feeling guilty for the first time?

I read no terseness. And you're welcome.

Thank you kindly.

Your frustration and annoyance are not unfounded by any means. It was a gradual thing for me, I suppose. The whole ebb and flow of living with the person you just can't live without.

Thank you for setting me straight. I'll do my best not to muck things up further.

I take some heat for my timeliness regarding trash removal. In talking with the Wife, it's all about tone (or my interpretation of it). If she's asking me to take it out, she tries not to sound like she's talking to a 5-year old (even if I should be treated as such). On my end, I try to not be asked.

With apologies, I need to ask if I'm commenting improperly. I thought I commented on several items below but they don't seem to appear. Ideas?

I'm sorry, but am I doing it wrong? I thought I commented in a few discussions, but they don't seem to be appearing. Any help is appreciated.

Taking a second to think before I speak has been helpful for me. I'm always trying to give the "right" answer, but if I stop, breathe, and think of the honest answer, everything seems to flow much more easily. Good luck!

The Wife and I are getting ours next week after we move. All King and what not. I'll just reach over and hold her fingertips so I know she's still there.