
This is already turning into another year of suck.

The first movie is quite enjoyable, if nothing else, by its technical achievement.
The TV show on CN, however, pretty much bore whatever fondness I had for the movie into the ground and has long since worn out its welcome.

I thought it was the bottomless well of porn mods.

Wow. Detroit of the future looks like one, giant gentrification project.

At least the new Robocop has one good fapping hand.

but the sound sync isn't the real problem. The fact that their video goes over, not just 1 minute but 9(I really don't give a shit), painfully self-important minutes.

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, that's just too much family and stress to deal with in such a short amount of time.
Merry Christmas and Happy Windfall, Food & Beverage Industry!…..errr, I mean A.V. Club.

You all may laugh at him now but one day, he'll be the next Treat Williams.

Actually Peter Cushing and I dare not argue with Grand Moff Tarkin. Not even with his corpse.

Van Helsing, Anakin Skywalker and Grima Wormtongue seem to think so. 8-)

I fear C-Plum and Christopher Lee are just around the corner.

I blame Daniel Tosh. He ruined rape jokes for all of us.

I was rooting for him in Apt Pupil.

The network kinda painted themselves into a corner when they decided to give MJF his own show. Whether the show or the ratings are good or not, who's gonna step off the PR cliff and cancel MJF?

This episode needed a drunk Bill O'Reilly stumbling onto the set at the end, telling Sting, mid-song, to "Play Us OUT! FUCK, We'll DO IT LIVE!", to bump it up to a B.

I loved him in Die Hard II. Also John Amos, a bold casting decision that really paid off.

Being a nerd means you get to exploit a unique social/legal loophole. It's only rape if it wasn't the best she's ever had.

I believe 26 of the 30 Helens were, in fact, also not gay but they often agreed on most things.

Kevin always did have the best sweaters.

I saw A Haunted House on Netflix a while back. I expected next to nothing. With that in mind, I actually found a few scenes pretty hilarious. Then again, I had quite a bit to drink so, there's that.