
Well, we do live in a much more boring time.
The milk of human innovation has run off.

One of my favorite sketches:

Oi and the awesome retro, Never Mind The Bollocks style box art makes it quite easy to pick out no matter how large your DVD library is or how deeply buried under the couch cushions it is.

"Knock Knock"

better Nixon- Mojo, at least in social/political satire.

That goes for just about any country, though.

What does The NeverEnding Story have to do with a high-profile restaurant franchise that offers domestic frozen dinners?

I'm a little surprised that as big of an influence Jim Henson was in our culture that there isn't a religion or fetish built on such p[m]uppet wizardry, like Jedi or Furries.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who used to run upstairs with my hands over my eyes whenever Bixby transformed. Maybe I was but now I feel slightly less ashamed.

Agreed. Such a perfectly sexy and athletic pair of legs gone to waste so far.

Even Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

I know grindcore is sort of out of fashion these days but I still call dibs on Sludgehammer.

I'm sure I'll forget most of these but this is certainly one of the better lists. I haven't laughed so hard in quite some time.

A good, solid name though, worthy of mainstay.

Let's just say [SPOILER]? Jadzia's death is anti-climactic to the point that it would be almost comical were it not Jadzia. Not unlike the many Weyoun deaths.

Holy Christ! I'm not sure whether to upvote or downvote this. I suddenly feel sick.

I thought that was Eddie Furlong for a second. Whatever happened to him?

"Rise, Chic KEN. Arise. Rise Chic KEN. Arise"

I hope they mount LaLaurie's head above the mantle and have her blurt out something offensive from time to time. Maybe put a TV across from LaLaurie so we can have more scenes with her commenting on modern programming. Maybe even have Fiona jam a novelty animatronic, motion-sensor jukebox up her neck.