Cookie Monster

Me have been playing Civ so long, that first version of game me had, me needed to get patch to run it in black and white so me could play it on Mac Classic! And it somehow never get old. Me think part of it is that, it have clear beginning middle and end, that arc always same, but every game different enough to keep

So, me behind on show so me commenting late and who knows if anyone will read this. Me really enjoying show, and really only have one problem with it—me not can believe Lily would date guy with shitty-looking teenage-dirtbag-hanging-out-in-7-11-parking-lot mustache. Let alone immedately dump longtime boyfriend to jump

Me feel like this show have same problems as every other will-they-or-won’t-they show have, except replace “sleep together” with “murder each other.” It seems like show have choice between Moonlighting, where they put things off for so long people stop caring when it finally does happen, or Office, where they do

Me am big fan of Ex Machina, so me really looking forward to this.

Me excited for show, and me excited to see Swapna Krishna joining site. Me really enjoy her Desi Geek Girls podcast. She and co-host have so much joy and enthusiasm, and world need more of that.

If me just read this review without knowing who was involved, me probably would dismiss this as too navel-gazey and not baked-goods-focused enough. But between Garland’s previous work and cast, this verge into shut-up-and-take-my-money territory for me, if me not had already given all of money to Girl Scouts last

Counterpoint: me have free will, me just happen to always exercise free will towards end of eating cookie.

So far this is only comment, but me not sure what else need to be said besides, it terrific show and this was great interview.

Honestly, me loved that Luke grows up to realize life not just winning battles and saving galaxy. (Excitement, adventure, etc.) And that, while he might be better Jedi knight than Obi-Wan, that not automatically qualify him to be better teacher than Yoda too. Original trilogy is coming-of-age story. Last Jedi is

Blue Sky Animation proudly present... Pants Dad. This summer... find out who wear pants in this house!

Me think you pretty much hit nail on head. For starters, they made “one for us, one for them” deal with Disney that said they did original movie every year and sequel every other. But on top of that, studio clearly have its A-team of directors (Bird, Docter, Stanton, Unkrich). Every misfire apart from first two Toy

Me feel like Cars movies take more shit than they deserve beause those movies’ natural audience skew younger than rest of ouevre (first and third one, anyway. Second one deserve all of shit you can throw at it). Sure, Cars’ supporting cast full of poorly-sketched ethnic stereotypes. But me would still put it in top

Oh, me not meant crossover, just middle ground between two styles.

Me think you pinpoint very well why Picard feel so slow-moving. And besides same dramatic beats being repeated, they often feel disconnected from each other. Maybe because we get “Picard earnestly wanted to help Romulans and then kind of gave up on everything after Federation backed away” in disjointed chunks, so it

Yes, but me not will turn up nose at Galaxy Scouts selling synthamoas!

Me have enjoyed Discovery and have been willing to forgive its flaws. But for whatever reason, me feel more and more “meh” about Picard with each successive episode, to point where, after reading this review, me probably not will watch episode and may just follow rest of season through Zack’s reviews instead of taking

Real fucks were inside us all along!

Quick, somebody get Rappin’ Jake Sisko a Kinja account!

Chevy Chase proved long ago you not have to look like person you’re portraying, you just have to capture their essence!

Some of us like our peanuts like we like our women — undead and wearing a top hat!