Cookie Monster

Also worth mentioning that “decorum” not count for shit when Tom Cotton is writing op-ed about how army should be shooting BLM protestors, or Trump is making jokes about attack on Pelosi’s husband, or Republican Congressional candidate says “some people need to die,” and on and on and on.

Me was glad to see Random Roles and World of Flops come back, but bringing bona fide old-school AV Clubber back to run site really cements it. AV Club is back!!! Cookies for everyone!!!

Funny enough, me was just listening to Very Good Year podcast, and they mention that film and how good Lahti is in it. Then not five minutes later, me get notification about this Random Roles.

Yeah, me seem to remember in-show explanation was simply that Odo not liked chaging (because changelings were stigmatized), so he never got good at it.

Me think me speak for many, many readers when me say writers who keep this site going in future not really issue, as this is last time me will click on site that me loved for so many years. G/O has destroyed beloved cultural institution — gutting this site akin to bulldozing Sesame Street, and me for one not would be

It real problem in this country that we call working class people middle class, and Mitt Romney also think of self as middle class.

Yeah, me liked these books as young monster, but even then me was aware that, while Asimov have fascinating, grand ideas, he not great at writing interesting characters or giving plot emotional stakes. So me glad someone doing loose adaptation of this, just so long as it not I, Robot-level loose.


It has been long-held dream of Vladimir Putin to see USA break up like USSR did. Me just bringing that up for no reason.

That thing that keep me up at night. They will absolutely try again, and next Republican they steal election for not will be anywhere near as lazy, erratic, uninformed, disinterested, and lazy as Trump. 

One of best things about NYC is that we not have Homeowners Associations so these whiners not able to weaponize their perpetual grievances.

Citibike has made me feel great about New York, both because it easy to get around, me getting more exercise (have to work off all those cookies!), and because this kind of thing not happen very often. If New York were dangerous hellhole from 80s Fox News viewers think it is, those bikes not would last a week without

Now that how you do prequel!

Also, Tony and Livia both venerate Johnny after he dies. Much easier to hate someone who in room with you needling you for putting her in nursing home than hate memory of your dead father.

That make lot of sense — me always had sense that past Tony mythologized was just as shitty as Tony’s present, but it all seem bigger and more important because it his father’s world. But that let-down not really make for compelling movie.

We not all can be Muppet Movie!

You mean Taco Bell Bell?

Fat? Hairy? Silly? Slob? Me only some of those things. Okay, me all of those things... but so much more! Anyway, me agree with Trickrick1985 that me have more range as actor and deserve to get opportunity to stretch out on show.

Educate yourself. Riley has been in terrific rap group called Coup for about 20 years—he manage to write catchy, up-tempo songs with scathing left-wing political messages. Then he wrote and directed Sorry To Bother You, best movie of 2018, which manage to simultaneously be Spike Lee-type political polemic (except more

Cookie Clicker! Game play leave something to be desired, but who not would want to play game where you end up with billions