All this over $75K? With one of the most notable heavy hitter law firms around? I’m not buying it. I think CIG is in just as much financial hot water as Crytek is, likely more.
All this over $75K? With one of the most notable heavy hitter law firms around? I’m not buying it. I think CIG is in just as much financial hot water as Crytek is, likely more.
No. Much the opposite in fact. Lumberyard is based of CryEngine’s source, sure, but Lumberyard ≠ CryEngine in any legal way, shape, or form.
Ehh, Flagstaff’s alright imo; pretty environment at least, but I agree with you 110% with Phoenix being the black hole of all that is good in the Western US. Man do I freaking hate that place.
Hahaha, don’t get me wrong, I’d love a Switch for all the same reasons. I LOVE my handhelds (*pours one out for the PS Vita*, no one even gave you a chance...), but at the same time, when I’m home and want to play something from the Wii U’s great but small library, Cemu’s where I always turn now. Turning on a native…
Hahaha it’s more that the work behind ATI’s upcoming Terascale anch was relevant (and Tesla, Nvidia’s first unified arch which they were working on at the same time, though further behind (not to be confused with their current HPC GPU line)), but the massive amounts of Microsoft $$$ ATI got in the years leading up to…
It’s called Cemu (qualifed by if you have a decent enough PC). It’s truly, the native 4K Viking funeral Wii U games deserve, whether Nintendo wants it or not (my Wii U’s gathered dust since Cemu hit the point of superiority like a year ago).
That was intended for ZR-1 Fan. Accidentally hit the wrong reply button it seems. My sincere apologies. *tips hat (I hate the phone thing too, by this age blame crap is ridiculous. This toxic culture we happen to inhabit is equally all our faults :] ).
I know that, everything outside the shader pipeline was pretty much lifted wholesale from the x1800XT (ROPs, TMU’s, front end, etc....). That’s why I said the part about Terascale taking the Xenos unified shader graphics pipeline and updating everything else around it when unified shaders finally hit the PC scene.…
I mean just look at all those nasty Millennials in that pic below. All that youth makes me sick! Going around ruining all that is good in the world! I ‘member when things were still perfect, you know, before all of them. *rolls eyes*.
This. Oh my Lord this. The Russians see us Yank drivers and raise us a large handle of Vodka and the resulting ubiquitous use of dash cams.
Haha well that’s exactly what I was trying to say at least. Think that misplaced “8" was just a good ol’ brain fart :)
Kirk, kirk, kirk.... You need to rectify this lack of Zero Escape commitment in your life.... Tsk tsk.
This. So much misinformation is this thread about Cell. This despite the fact I even posted like 3 freaking novels explaining exactly why it was such a pain to work with. Being Power based has nothing to do with it whatsoever, GC, Wii, and Wii U use various variants of Power as well and they are the current paragon…
I know, and I state that in my original post (“the entire secret to squeezing good performance out of the PS3 was effective use of all 6 SPE’s”), if not quite as clearly as I should have. PS3 Cell BE (Broadband Engine)‘s were shipped with 7 out of 8 SPE’s enabled, with 1 reserved for the OS. I think you’re forgetting…
Hahaha and you managed to hit the one thing I accidentally missed about his post. Well, better late then never I suppose haha, so if you want an in-depth reason for why that ram setup is a problem exactly (and a benefit in some cases; namely for 1st/2nd party exclusives), check the massive pending post of mine in this…
Haha if my 3 or 4 page long PS3 hardware breakdown replies in this thread show anything, it’s that I’m EXACTLY the same way. I get more enjoyment out of watching/following the development progress of cutting edge emu’s & the science behind them then I would ever get using them to actually play games. (Not that I don’t…
Also, one other thing I missed (another long tech explainer coming up haha, so just a fair warning if you wanna abort now. If it isn’t obv. I totally love computer engineering). The PS3 ram setup was both a blessing (1st/2nd party) and a curse (almost every multi-plat), depending on the specific engine & game in…
And is also just about as ridiculously suspicious as is literally possible. Is it just a coincidence that Exzap’s totally closed source/black boxed Cemu development took off like a rocket almost immediately after the entire Wii U SDK leaked onto the internet? Now I’m not saying Exzap isn’t a ridiculously freaking…
Yes please! I’d be almost as happy with N.G. Black too, but seeing as how OG Xbox emulation seems to be deader than a doornail atm (and for the foreseeable future), Sigma on PS3's prolly our best bet for some glorious Team Ninja action from back when them +Itagaki were at the very height of their powers on our…
Lol you got most of this right aside from the more advanced GPU part. The 360's ATI developed Xenos smoked the freaking pants off the Nvidia developed RSX in the PS3. RSX was pretty much an off the shelf version of already available tech with some various tweaks for the PS3 & from Nvidia’s next gen hardware. But even…