He is insane. Read the other thread he is in. I can’t imagine going through life with such a weird distorted view on things.
He is insane. Read the other thread he is in. I can’t imagine going through life with such a weird distorted view on things.
Hogwarts Legacy wasn’t a hit with critics
Re-reading Kotaku’s review of the game- outlining how terrible it supposedly is, and the long debates around it in the comments section is hilarious in light of the fact that the game is actually well liked and apparently a lot of fun- is pretty hilarious these days. Kotaku’s obsession with messaging over actually…
Released in February 2023, Hogwarts Legacy wasn’t a hit with critics and ended up not winning many major awards.
Yeah, there’s absolutely ZERO REASON to even consider buying the Fanatec 1st party CSL DD/DD Pro 8nm “boost kit” replacement power supply over a DRAMATICALLY CHEAPER 3rd party version.
I hadn’t factored in an aliexpress power dongle to sidestep that steep markup, that puts a decent setup at $550 right now, $600ish with a grey market dongle. Not bad!
The T300RS GT has worse pedals than the T248 (the potentiometer using & FAR less adjustable “T3PA’s”, vs the T248's wear-free & SIGNIFICANTLY faster + more accurate magnetic Hall effect sensor using “T3PM’s”) and isn’t even that much more powerful either (≈4 - 4.5nm peak torque vs T248's ≈3.5nm).
Because it’s a single player game and over time people become done with them and move onto other stuff? And it also didn’t review as well as their previous games and less people are into it.
Not everything is a live service, it’s ok to be done with a game.
Describing the giant confusing mess that is Kingdom Hearts as having “pulled off” anything is being incredibly generous.
$150 is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on any single article of clothing.
The ≈3.5nm hybrid gear + belt drive (vs say Logitech’s utterly TRASH gear-only motors) Thrustmaster T248 is superior to basically everything else under the CSL DD. 🤷
Except, that that’s not what OP was saying. They said they were generally interested in checking out the MGSV, until they read about Quiet and completely wrote off Kojima’s entire catalog(based on other things read/heard). Which fine, that is their right to do. But at the same time, without experiencing first-hand,…
Gamers are such babies man.
I’m glad that I’m not a baby who gets pre-offended and bases opinions on youtube, because Death Stranding remains one of my favorite games of the past decade.
You certainly managed to draw a lot of conclusions about games that are 100+ hours long without actually playing them, based entirely on very small amounts of information. Clearly, we have found our new authority on the subject.
He is supposed to be an early 20's Peter, though..
He’s 23 in this story.
A better wheel is on the list after I get a gated shifter and handbrake, I have over 200 hours of time on the T-248 which recently released and it is still fantastic though.
This hobby is still cheaper than a set of tires for a track toy.
It is plastic-y, but for $200 it’s still pretty good buy for what you’re getting.
That gear drive is the worst. It seems great at first, compared to nothing, but that plastic gear is very small and limited in how much torque it can apply. I have a G27 and I would not spend another $400 to replace it for the PS4. It’s not significantly better than the older version for the PS3, being the same…