Logan and the other one?
Logan and the other one?
The Braves have really embraced the whole “leaving urban Atlanta for suburban Cobb County” thing.
Pssshhh. Are there no original TV shows left?
“Assange, pictured here enjoying the smug taste of his own fart, was served via Twitter.”
MMmmm this Rethuglican voter suppression beef is... Delicious
Excellent. Damn. Post.
If you don’t like the CEO’s behavior, don’t buy/use their products.
You don’t have to wait. He un-ironically boasts of being an immigration advisor to Trump. I have to live through this hell on local TV every day.
“Dork Lard of the Cheetos”
Yeah doesn’t make much sense since those were the roads jerseys back in the day. Are those regular alternates or just a 1 time thing?
1. Build nuclear plant
Chillin’ with a Villain
Instead of “Deep Throat”, the source this time is “Orange Face”
KCMO has no love for that traitor. We were one of the first places to protest him during the campaign.
You see, it's opposite day again.
Why? Did you fart?
I can tell this is a big deal, because I was watching Fox Business (It was on in a lobby I was waiting in, I wouldn’t torture myself like that) and the chyron actually mentioned people calling the President’s comments treasonous.
The only guy he said absolutely no to is black.