
However, if your dick is neatly tucked in between two adorable kittens, then yes. Because kittens make everything ok.

No one ever talks about the fact that you don't just deflate post delivery and so many moms are dismayed by that.


Your uterus is stretchy, but it's not "rubber-band" stretchy. An average uterus, during pregnancy, can expand to almost over 100 times it's normal size. After birth, it can take a little time for it to go totally back. It's normal and 100% natural to look like that after birth.

I will say this for Kate Middleton - if I had to get dressed in actual human clothes and take my newborn out to a screaming throng of people and reporters merely 24 hours after giving birth, I'd just be crying into a pint of ice cream. Shit, I don't think I even managed pants for the first two weeks. She is a brave

The uterus stretches from the size of your fist to the size of your baby and takes a while to contract back to its original size.

Every single "millennial" trend story is pretty much about rich kids.

Your words say die, but your photo says "OH GOD PLEASE EAT ME, signed Monsieur Cronut."

I'm not sure they're qualified for anything other than this show.

agreed. the pressure to orgasm (or the night is ruined!) can be overwhelming, distracting and ultimately counter productive

I agree with the theory behind this, HOWEVER...

This is what I needed this morning.

Girl you do not get to count the inches of cock twice. You can count BJ's given to the same person each time but UP and DOWN don't both get to count.


So if Jezebel isn't the place for TMI, I don't know where is: am I the only person who thinks length is totally overrated anyway? Girth and friction in the lower part of the vaginal canal are the source of pleasure IME; getting poked in the cervix and/or ovaries is painful, and worrying it'll happen is a major turnoff.

Ok Koreans. With this and the Phoshop masterpieces I think you guys can all just kick back and take it easy for a while. You won the internet.

At least it looks like there was a meth o.d. to her madness.

At this point I'm pretty sure I'm just asleep.

Pffft, you aren't shallow! Just pedantic!