
Bababooey. /Howard Stern

I call bullshit. This is someone's poor and seriously laughable attempt at every frat boy/elitest/1% trope. You've been had. Bwahahahahaha.

Yeah, she's worse I think because she knows better, you know? She's funny, she's brown, she's not a stick - but just as shallow as everyone else.

I don't love her and I've always noted that. She's so fawning about that shit.

I thought the same thing. I also hate that I know that.

That's some master level meditation she's got going on there. I could not do it.

Omg, seriously woozy from looking at that. How can you not freak out getting that done to you? I give her mad props.

Honestly, I would welcome any day (or two) I can take off from work so I can pass gas (sometimes it feesl like what I assume fisting must feel like but violently and with no lube) and have the worst diarrhea, in peace, and not have to run to the ladies room and try to get all my business done without peeps figuring

I think it's interesting how only a couple of the RH's (Heather from RHOC and Lisa from RHOBH) have some money and/or don't need the show to survive. The rest either pretend to have much more or have had bankruptcies and are desperate for airtime. The rest shill for anything and everything during their stints on the

Not at all. You got lucky. There's a big difference between blind luck and perspective. Giving advice while you're in high school or a freshman in college isn't really cutting it. Sorry kiddo.

No. And you can't wear jorts, for christsake.

If you were in your late 30's or 40's I'd take your advice to mean something. But 18 is ridiculous. *snorts derisively* Also, believe me I'm not bitter nor do I envy your finding "The One" at 18.

My game plan has always been to find that one special person whom I can't imagine ever being without. Marriage and kids are just the icing on the cake. And I finally met him. We shall see if this proceeds how I hope it does (marriage, kids - the whole bit) but until then I have not, nor will I ever regret my

I am an adult woman with a healthy sex drive. I have never wanted a pic of any man's junk. Ever.

In the last few years (I'm 44 and a half), I have been getting nauseous and plain old sleepy drinking wine. I rarely drink hard alcohol unless it's in a mixed drink. It just isn't worth it for me. The buzz just turns into sleepiness and it's a fitful sleep so I'm pissed about getting a crappy night's sleep more than

I guess famewhoring is still important to some people.

The dude on the far right is from "Ready For Love". I hate that I know this.

Grace is a goddess.

I have stopped liking someone for doing this. He always did it but I chalked it up to being hurried, busy, whatever. The fifth time proved to me that he was just stupid and lazy. I know, I know I'm so shallow.

I hope you learn to stop projecting. Wtf?