
Bad breath and/or body odor. Never gonna happen.

I am not a snob in the least but "your" for "you're" just. kills. it. for. me. It's not that friggin difficult!

Thanks for this. I am very aware of her musical-chair route to success. She was known to sleep around a lot (just like Madonna!) to get where she is today. Not discounting her ability to choose terrific producers and songwriters.

Agreed: whereas I could def live in AZ over FL, any day. Also, FL people are cray-cray.

I admit, a couple of her songs are catchy but there seems a disingeniousness, a fawning, if you will, to her very loud affirmations of all things LGBT. I'm a straight gal so what do I know, right?

I don't get it either. I was decimated on another blog when I said what a jerk he was, is and always will be. Dude has severe anger management issues.

I saw a pic recently of him and Hilaria (I hate that name, btw) and he's clearly worked himself up and yelling about something while they are walking the dog. She has that glazed look that people used to trauma have. It's like, if I don't react, it's not really happening.

I give the marriage another year. He won't be able to handle the lack of attention.

I'm confused. Doesn't he also have his own Twitter account? Why is he tweeting from his foundation's website. Humblebrag much, Alec?

I was born in Korea and am 44, almost 45 so I grew up with a mom who had the eyelid surgery and her asking me a couple of times if I wanted to get it done. I'm not particularly strident about feminist politics but it struck me that I didn't want to do anything to make my face look less like my parents. There's history

My friends with kids call it "Mommy brain" - you forget EVERYTHING. I'm a firm believer it's mostly due to sleep deprivation.

I actually think she rocks smoky eye makeup. I just can't. I end up looking like a sad panda.

Also, her Gays hate her. They would not let her on camera with the lipstick clashing with the top.

It's private. Grrrrr.

It's so GD passive-aggressive to yell "SMILE!" at a complete stranger.

Really sad. You will be missed kind sir.

Bwahahahhaha. I bet they re-gift it. I can't wait for those texts.


Breaking news: lesbians can be tacky and utterly rude.

I give this marriage less than a year.