
@ZFK: Nier has an awesome soundtrack

Stupid "Out for Delivery" from UPS for 6 hours -_-.

@mr_godot: Even if you don't like RTS', the engine is robust enough that there will be custom maps that aren't RTS oriented. I've spent hundreds of hours just playing custom maps on the original SC.

@Aentropy: Hey, cops can be gamers too =P

This is when owning all consoles gets fun.

How about they throw this kid back into school, instead of jail?

@CFStang: Well yeah, but not all Japanese people are fluent in English either.

Wouldn't the Korean servers be a better choice, atleast for latency and what not?

One of the most underrated games of the year.

"The move also allows for a simultaneous release of a Windows PC version of Breach."

Well, the price is right.

He wears the same Cosby sweaters that my dad does

@noine: The only way to play it

@evanset6001: It still wouldn't change anything, the best they can do is limit people to one character posting per account that has an active license/subscription of the game.

Good, glad to see they actually listen to their fans.

@brent_w: He's a Leo too, his residence also has no central air, that kinda sucks. says this is a horrible idea