@Yokai: It won't be anything that serious, just expect if you piss people off in game to be having hundreds of pizzas delivered to your house, or bundles of adult diapers shipped to you.
@Yokai: It won't be anything that serious, just expect if you piss people off in game to be having hundreds of pizzas delivered to your house, or bundles of adult diapers shipped to you.
@Aegis Fury: Exactly, there's plenty of ways to change the system.
@fox01313: They'll just use game cards (which they probably already do), it's really not hard to adapt to this system.
@Yokai: And now these "nasty" people will have access to these people's names (and by proxy, phone numbers)
@IndigoCZ: It does, it matches the name on the account.
@slamdance: You'll be waiting a long time.
GTA 4 over Red Dead Redemption, only if you get the Ballad of Gay Tony expansion.
@ieatbabies: Bayonetta was a better beat em up than GoW3, true story.
Maybe you don't want shovelware, but that's what you're going to get
@xfhunterx: eric prydz vs tears for fears was pretty epic though
@digimope: he died from a grenade
TL;DR: Because it would be terrible.
That sounds creepy, what if it picks some corner in a bathroom
Demon's Souls 2, though I think that'd be at TGS
@Sacré bleu: Home streach: needs promote!
@emag: I can fly twice as high
@scaught78: I wish more games would properly use 7.1.
so holy crap Nintendo pulled a fast one yesterday.
@ARYXANDRE: Dunno, they should feel good, Brazil is a dynasty.
I like how Gabe just casually announces this and cross-platform play.