awesome game is awesome
awesome game is awesome
@laser beams: I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish.
@Caelestis: Probably because they're using forests that are specifically used for processes such as this, and as such, are cut down anyway?
@Seiryuu: Actually Ubi did cut down on cases, they are flimsy as hell now...
Ubi, you do realize the fact you require your customers to be internet connected 24/7 burns up far more resources than these manuals do, right?
@EatCheeseForLife: Won't somebody think of the e-trees =(
@Bedlam: +1
@S0LR: Of course! They're saving trees now, so it's ok.
It actually looks pretty sexy murdered out...
Everyone's a critic...
@chrollo0427: CoD: WRPG?
@Blore07: I laughed so hard at this.
@KillerRaccoon: The exhaust ALWAYS rots out on those here (Wisconsin)
You wat you lose
@D-rok: i lol'd
I'm still surprised about the complete lack of FPS'.
@the game: Kotaku contains more than vidya
@bruceleroy99: less east coast more middle of the country.
So wait, in what twisted world is Cheney an inspiration?
What the hell is he wearing