@UnholierThanThou: That's shitty, I'd grow my own.
@UnholierThanThou: That's shitty, I'd grow my own.
@Andrew Wyatt: I know, that's what I'm talking about too :p
@Koztah: Because the wife was pushing on him.
@Andrew Wyatt: That bag is decidedly not green or leafy =P
@Amsterdaam - I'm not really the city: Your smoking some dirt man!
@wicket_lfe: No, it doesn't.
@Covertghost: If that's a pic of what it is, that's tobacco or post-vaporized herb.
"But what if he'd thought it was sweets, and started munching away? It doesn't bear thinking about."
@nesstee: Yeah, but I mean people make this out like it's bad for them to charge on something like this.
High quality dub.
@Altima NEO: hi babby
@Slinkge: Because you actually need that if you want to stay competitive.
Funny, Blizzard's made more selling pets than a lot of studios have made selling their whole games.
See as much as I've disliked his philosophy for the past couple generations, I still view Miyamoto as the father of modern/console gaming.
Dude, set up a paypal, I'm sure you could get some donations for a good cause like this.
Totally depends on the content.
@Skunky: God that'd be amazing.
@Tyr4nt: That's one dimensional economics though.
Tiniest kotaku fish I ever did see!