
I can’t see the figure I want:

Because as far as lawyers go, it’s a bad look. And it gives Kotaku a good excuse to malign Trump, which is always a good thing.

Wait. Wait.

“Don’t you worry Mr. Trump, you’re in good hands! I’ve got an interactive program on here about how to be an Ace Attorney, and it’s never steered me wrong. I tell ya, we’ve got this one in the bag!”

Also bodes well for his legal team: This attorney forgot to ask for a trial by jury. That means this judge (that she and Trump have spent weeks publicly vilifying) will determine all damages and guilt on his own.

Maybe, but it’s just as likely IMO that she cluelessly walked into Best Buy (or sent a similarly clueless minion) and let them pick one.

I get music producers and content creators using gaming laptops, since the specs translate well into those fields, but this sounds like “I had this for games and can’t be bothered keeping my personal and professional life separate” which sure bodes super great for this legal team.

I’ve got no problem paying more for games if the publishers would commit to that money going directly to higher wages for the developers.

Nobody cares at this point. Nothing short of walking back Unity’s *ENTIRE* upper management — execs, board of directors, etc — will undo the damage. It’s their fault. They thought it was a good idea. Which means the people responsible for this fiasco are still around, still in a position to make another equally stupid

Get back in there, cat! Get back in that bag! Hurry! We’ve got a bell to unring!

Previously published games were pointedly NOT exempt. There was language that applied the rule retroactively depending on various circumstances, such as if it received updates recently, since Unity counted any work of any kind being done to a game as “agreeing to the new terms”

Agreed. It’s an iconic video from the height of the era, accompanying one of the greatest songs of any era.

Now playing

How is Every Breath You Take by The Police not on this list? And not in the Top 10 for that matter? Most of those other stylish black and white videos on this list wouldn’t exist without this classic paving the way.

including that charity games and bundles are excluded from fees

TURN DOWN FOR WHAT was turned down for what?????

The idea that all of the people at Burning Man are rich a$$holes really gets to me. My daughter, her boyfriend and the rest of their “tribe” are anything but. They are both members of the “Dustfish” group which is made up of many of the original “Burners” and believe me, many times they don’t have two pennies to rub

Y’know who doesn’t like that? The person whose work you just interrupted because you think you’re the center of the universe.”

Your side rant is totally my boss who hates us working from home because she cannot corner us alone in the hall or office and make verbal unrecorded demands. She hates that remote work her crazy paranoid narcissist rants, randomness, and threats are recorded.

That’s a totally reasonable take. What always raises my hackles - and what you very studiously did not do - is when people demand that others come into the office because they don’t like working from home so clearly it can’t work for anybody.