Traveling to Rio to watch the Olympics? Don’t want to be f***ed with by the local criminal element? Stick Russian flags and logos all over your bags and apparel.
Traveling to Rio to watch the Olympics? Don’t want to be f***ed with by the local criminal element? Stick Russian flags and logos all over your bags and apparel.
Running, jumping, throwing. The United States should be absolutely destroying everyone in this sport. But the majority of the country doesn’t even know it exists. Re-train some NBA/NFL players, get a good soccer or hockey goalie to change sports and have at it!
Ah, the Olympics, the one time every four years Americans momentarily remember that Team Handball exists.
We mock now, but wait until after the Olympics, when we find out how many visiting athletes actually contracted Zika.
Was the Arcticuno illegitimate? Obviously. Did the couple who had it cheat? I’m not convinced.
You are absolutely correct and I should have stopped a lot earlier but righteous indignation overcame me and I was determined that the stupid bird was not going to beat me. Since the “Pidgeot Incident”, I’ve done much as you have suggested and set a limit on how many balls I’m willing to waste on scrub Pokemon.
And, apparently, you don’t even have to throw a curve ball to get the bonus.
It absolutely has gotten harder to catch Pokemon.
Perhaps from a development standpoint, or even a financial standpoint, but as one of the owners of the Pokemon IP, they are going to take anything that reflects negatively on the brand very seriously.
Mobile games are ultimately driven by metrics. DAU, MAU, ARPU, minutes played per day, number of times played per day, etc.
My guess, the footprint tracking, when working, was too big a strain on the servers. It may have seemed like a good idea in beta, but once it needed to scale to 50 million daily active users, they ran into trouble.
I’m certain we are going to see stories like this more and more in the years to come.
I know the primary meme is the Donald Trump comparison but look at the name and the special ability.
While we will still see a lot of of Dragonite, Lapras, Snorlax and Vaproeon due to their high CP and stat values, a lot of other Pokemon are now confortably just below them and, with with the right move sets, can make a real dent in gym battles.
They are fixing the footprint glitch in the next patch...
He added that “when somebody spreads information and thousands of people gather in one place and try to divide one Pokémon between a thousand people it can also lead to a problem.”
Perhaps if the Green Party did more than simply show up once every four years and ask people to “vote their conscience” I’d take them seriously.
Not sure if this is related to Niantic’s efforts to throw off the data miners or a normal part of the game going forward but nearly all of the known Pokemon nests switched to spawning different types of Pokemon today. Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander nests seem mostly unchanged but all the rest have switched to…
I like hunting around on and then checking the hunting grounds I find out on foot or by car.